So Defy got my bloodwork back on Friday and pulled me off TRT because my levels were high. I've been on .35 cc of Test Cypionate and 350 IU of hcg twice a week for 14 weeks. I'm really starting to feel good and was looking forward to staying on TRT for a long time. I'm actually kind of bummed that I have to come off but understand it's for the best. My RBC, Hemo and Hematocrit were high before I started from previous TRT treatment. I'm starting to think maybe Testosterone doesn't go well with my body. Crazy thing is I donated blood at the red cross 6 weeks before the blood work so I can't donate for a few more weeks. Defy says they will renew my script if my numbers go back down but I'm not sure what to do. They gave me a script for a therapeutic Phlebotomy but no local hospital system will honor their script because they're out of state. My primary care doctor told me to come off the Testosterone and retest in two weeks and see if it comes down on it's own. He wouldn't offer to give me a therapeutic phlebotomy. My primary Doctor is not a fan of TRT from speaking to him in the past. Looks like I may just have to wait a few weeks and go to the Red Cross and donate, then wait a few weeks and get blood work again. I'm pretty worried that my Test levels will crash while I'm off. For now, I'm just taking 500 IU of HCg 3 times per week. If you guys were in my shoes, would you attempt a restart with HCG, clomid and Nolvadex? Not sure what I'm going to do but I think I'm going to be battling this Hematocrit/hemo/rbc thing. I've already eliminated most red meat consumption and only eating it 2 times per week. Also taking fish oil. Not sure if I'm going to get these blood numbers to stay down