Hey guys ive never joined a site before. Ive been reading tons of info here over the past couple of months and on the web and basically anything I can find. Ive had a horrible 1.5 years and was put on trt 3.5 months ago. I tried carefully to not do it all the wrong way but now it seems to be exactly whats happening. I may have found a doc to properly test and monitor me. I also think im going to join defy also. i dont have a ton of cash to spend and have good insurance so was trying to stick with that route. But I think i may be too late and possibly have or developing gynecomastia. Its gonna be a long story and i could use some advice. Im kind of brain dead and mentally exhausted still so ill try to make the story short and just put in the details. Im not really sure where to post so ill just put it here. Thanks in advance.
So i have been feeling horrible for over a year. Im 36 5'9 165lbs. ive been working out my whole life and was always lean but able to bench 315, curl 155 etc. at 155-160lbs. Nov 2015 started feeling totally horrible could barely get out of bed or function. Started seeing my doc. Started gaining weight. Was prob 160 all of a sudden in 2 months was 175 all bad weight. Crazy brain fog, no memory, exhausted, pains all over, dry skin, forehead started and still looks kind of bumpy wrinkly, dry heels, light sensitivity, bad vision at times(still better then 20/20 on eye exam) Right wrist swelled a little for no reason couldnt do one pushup on my hands but could do them on fists. etc. i had a 4.0 in college and perfect memory and started becoming totally retarded, still am, wasn't sleeping, developed apnea(sleep test pending) etc. I do have a c6/c7 issue impinging both sides of nerve root in the past have not had any treatment because emg showed nothing at the time(left tricept and pec were basically dead for a year(2012) got 95 percent of strength and size back. Back to Nov 2015 ...Doc started checking me for lyme disease, rhematoid, blood tests, M.S. test. Ive been to neurologists, spine pain management, neurosurgeons. So everything comes back fine. I think pains are from neck, but the rest i suspected thyroid. Tell them to check it. tsh 3.7, of course they didnt do a full thyroid panel so months later have it retested 3.9. But the antibodies, free t3 t4 are all fine. First test of testosterone was low 400s second test was 330. They refused to bother with the thyroid but agreed to start trt thinking maybe it was the cause. I still think its a thyroid issue as the trt possibly made me feel good for a short time maybe a week. Anyway i had planned to write on here months ago but am so exhausted and cant think straight and am still all over the place with docs. I just paid $1500 for a cash only doctor who seems to be investigating every and any cause of my issues, urine test, crap, blood, iodine, cadmium etc. Everything with him will be gone over in three weeks and im excited.
Thats a quick background So why im posting now is i think i may have gynecomastia developing maybe even too late. Maybe im just being paranoid but something doesnt seem right. I started trt on october 15th 2016 at 200mg/week. First week i did the one shot with the big needle they gave me while i waited for what needles i ordered. First or second week my nipples got really puffed and stuck out further but i thought it was the initial effect and since i had double the test from internal still there and external.From that point on ive done 100mg every monday/friday. nipples went back to normalish but slightly puffy and everything seemed ok in that respect. I told the doc i still felt like crap they said give it time. When it was time for bloodwork and to renew the script (waited till the week before, 11 weeks later) could not get an appointment the phones were not even answered left messages etc. So my last shot was 80mg and then there was a almost two week of nothing until i finally got in. They sent me for bloodwork January 8th 2017 and renewed the script. This whole time im seeing the NP because my lifelong doc takes like a month to see. So she tested my blood for just a couple of things and sensitive estrogen wasnt one of them. Even though i requested. This whole time i feel my estrogen probably skyrocketed and maybe im just paranoid but i told her to check it and she didnt. My test came back i think only 430, maybe from the almost two week break in no shot?
The new $ doc has tested it and everything else and agrees that they arent doing right by me. I will see him thursday this week to go over what tests are back, since all arent and will try to go to the lab tommorow and steal the results early and post them on here. I realise noone can help me without the bloodwork to see whats going on but wanted to get my story out here before im too exhausted to write all this another day as i have tried several times over the past months. It sounds pathetic but I really am that exhausted and braindead even the screen hurts my eyes.
Right now im worried about the gynecomastia while waiting these next couple of weeks to resolve wtf is wrong with me and i think 200/mg per week for me might need an AI or clomid or nolva. Ive never done any juice or anything my whole life so all of this is new to me and although i read tons of things im number one brain dead right now and cant make a decision and number two im flying blind. Im not an idiot and why not take it all in my own hands from the beginning. Because i live in NY where i cant even check my own blood and was going to drive to conneticut and use the online labs but was told they will check my ID upon arrival and reject doing my tests because of the state i live in. Anyway if youve made it this far i greatly appreciate your time. I will post whatever labs i have under this in pdf or a pic with dates. Im not even sure where to get checked for the gyne i tried to go to a walk in clinic to get my estrogen checked and the gyne but theyre all PA's and said its not an emergency and have to see my primary. Should i go to a gyne surgeon to be examined?, ive read xrays and sonos dont even tell you. Ill put a pic up also and maybe you can tell me what you think. Im currently in the worst shape of my life i am back down to 165 but can def lose another 10 of fat and add 10 muscle and i would be back to normal so i dont know if that has any influence in my chest. I havent worked out much the past year due to the issues but my chest was always just more deflated recently seems to be getting bigger. I thought it was maybe the trt adding some muscle as it does seem to be keeping me in decent shape but now i think there is an issue. Again thanks for your time and i appreciate any feedback. I have lots of knowledge now on everything but im not sure what to do with it in this situation. Ive read to act immediately and its a whole other Ai protocol and have no clue what to do or if there even is an issue. Also the doc im seeing is a "consultant " so hes not going to examine me or anything hes just a number and test and logic guy.
So i have been feeling horrible for over a year. Im 36 5'9 165lbs. ive been working out my whole life and was always lean but able to bench 315, curl 155 etc. at 155-160lbs. Nov 2015 started feeling totally horrible could barely get out of bed or function. Started seeing my doc. Started gaining weight. Was prob 160 all of a sudden in 2 months was 175 all bad weight. Crazy brain fog, no memory, exhausted, pains all over, dry skin, forehead started and still looks kind of bumpy wrinkly, dry heels, light sensitivity, bad vision at times(still better then 20/20 on eye exam) Right wrist swelled a little for no reason couldnt do one pushup on my hands but could do them on fists. etc. i had a 4.0 in college and perfect memory and started becoming totally retarded, still am, wasn't sleeping, developed apnea(sleep test pending) etc. I do have a c6/c7 issue impinging both sides of nerve root in the past have not had any treatment because emg showed nothing at the time(left tricept and pec were basically dead for a year(2012) got 95 percent of strength and size back. Back to Nov 2015 ...Doc started checking me for lyme disease, rhematoid, blood tests, M.S. test. Ive been to neurologists, spine pain management, neurosurgeons. So everything comes back fine. I think pains are from neck, but the rest i suspected thyroid. Tell them to check it. tsh 3.7, of course they didnt do a full thyroid panel so months later have it retested 3.9. But the antibodies, free t3 t4 are all fine. First test of testosterone was low 400s second test was 330. They refused to bother with the thyroid but agreed to start trt thinking maybe it was the cause. I still think its a thyroid issue as the trt possibly made me feel good for a short time maybe a week. Anyway i had planned to write on here months ago but am so exhausted and cant think straight and am still all over the place with docs. I just paid $1500 for a cash only doctor who seems to be investigating every and any cause of my issues, urine test, crap, blood, iodine, cadmium etc. Everything with him will be gone over in three weeks and im excited.
Thats a quick background So why im posting now is i think i may have gynecomastia developing maybe even too late. Maybe im just being paranoid but something doesnt seem right. I started trt on october 15th 2016 at 200mg/week. First week i did the one shot with the big needle they gave me while i waited for what needles i ordered. First or second week my nipples got really puffed and stuck out further but i thought it was the initial effect and since i had double the test from internal still there and external.From that point on ive done 100mg every monday/friday. nipples went back to normalish but slightly puffy and everything seemed ok in that respect. I told the doc i still felt like crap they said give it time. When it was time for bloodwork and to renew the script (waited till the week before, 11 weeks later) could not get an appointment the phones were not even answered left messages etc. So my last shot was 80mg and then there was a almost two week of nothing until i finally got in. They sent me for bloodwork January 8th 2017 and renewed the script. This whole time im seeing the NP because my lifelong doc takes like a month to see. So she tested my blood for just a couple of things and sensitive estrogen wasnt one of them. Even though i requested. This whole time i feel my estrogen probably skyrocketed and maybe im just paranoid but i told her to check it and she didnt. My test came back i think only 430, maybe from the almost two week break in no shot?
The new $ doc has tested it and everything else and agrees that they arent doing right by me. I will see him thursday this week to go over what tests are back, since all arent and will try to go to the lab tommorow and steal the results early and post them on here. I realise noone can help me without the bloodwork to see whats going on but wanted to get my story out here before im too exhausted to write all this another day as i have tried several times over the past months. It sounds pathetic but I really am that exhausted and braindead even the screen hurts my eyes.
Right now im worried about the gynecomastia while waiting these next couple of weeks to resolve wtf is wrong with me and i think 200/mg per week for me might need an AI or clomid or nolva. Ive never done any juice or anything my whole life so all of this is new to me and although i read tons of things im number one brain dead right now and cant make a decision and number two im flying blind. Im not an idiot and why not take it all in my own hands from the beginning. Because i live in NY where i cant even check my own blood and was going to drive to conneticut and use the online labs but was told they will check my ID upon arrival and reject doing my tests because of the state i live in. Anyway if youve made it this far i greatly appreciate your time. I will post whatever labs i have under this in pdf or a pic with dates. Im not even sure where to get checked for the gyne i tried to go to a walk in clinic to get my estrogen checked and the gyne but theyre all PA's and said its not an emergency and have to see my primary. Should i go to a gyne surgeon to be examined?, ive read xrays and sonos dont even tell you. Ill put a pic up also and maybe you can tell me what you think. Im currently in the worst shape of my life i am back down to 165 but can def lose another 10 of fat and add 10 muscle and i would be back to normal so i dont know if that has any influence in my chest. I havent worked out much the past year due to the issues but my chest was always just more deflated recently seems to be getting bigger. I thought it was maybe the trt adding some muscle as it does seem to be keeping me in decent shape but now i think there is an issue. Again thanks for your time and i appreciate any feedback. I have lots of knowledge now on everything but im not sure what to do with it in this situation. Ive read to act immediately and its a whole other Ai protocol and have no clue what to do or if there even is an issue. Also the doc im seeing is a "consultant " so hes not going to examine me or anything hes just a number and test and logic guy.
Bloodwork Pre TRT various dates.pdf82.4 KB · Views: 245
Bloodwork After TRT 1-8-16.pdf555.7 KB · Views: 170
Bloodwork after trt 2 1-8-16.pdf456.6 KB · Views: 168
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