TRIMIX Dosage Forum


So I've tried Trimix 5 times with varied results. This is the standard 30-10-1 mix from Empower.

Attempt 1: 5 units (.05ml) decent erection lasting around a half hour.

Attempt 2: 8 units (.08ml) resulting in an ER trip and an erection around 8 hours. 120mg Sudafed did nothing. Urologist in ER wasnt very concerned as I wasn't in pain and erection wasn't cold. He gave me a few shots in my penis and that finally laid it down.

Attempt 3: 5 units (.05ml) and no results

Attempt 4: 6 units (.06ml) and a 7 hour erection

Attempt 5: 3.5 (.035ml) units and no results

Apparently I am a hyper responder at very low doses with no margin for error. Should I quit?
Glad you shared this.
I tried the dose I was given (10 Units) and man, could have gotten away with 5 units or less I'm sure.
Will re-try this weekend.
Stuff is potent!
Do you think you hit the right area / angle when you tried the lower dosages?

I just recently tried Trimix for the first time and wow! I used 4 units instead of the recommended 5 as a starting point and was good for like 45 minutes. I'm not sure I want to try any higher after reading what happened to your with such a small increase.
Do you think you hit the right area / angle when you tried the lower dosages?

I just recently tried Trimix for the first time and wow! I used 4 units instead of the recommended 5 as a starting point and was good for like 45 minutes. I'm not sure I want to try any higher after reading what happened to your with such a small increase.

I thought about that but I guess I'll never know. I've tried the same way each time. About an inch up from the base at around 2:30 dodging any obvious veins and 1/2" fully pressed in.

I'm wondering if I should try Bi-Mix which might be more forgiving for me? Not sure.
I thought about that but I guess I'll never know. I've tried the same way each time. About an inch up from the base at around 2:30 dodging any obvious veins and 1/2" fully pressed in.

Not sure if this will be of help but I notice it helps to massage a bit before the injection to get it a bit enlarged. I could imagine if the penis is quite deflated a 1/2" needle might go in too far. One of Nelson's posts on trimix protocol mentioned that you should massage the penis before and after the injection. Just a thought.
Not sure if this will be of help but I notice it helps to massage a bit before the injection to get it a bit enlarged. I could imagine if the penis is quite deflated a 1/2" needle might go in too far. One of Nelson's posts on trimix protocol mentioned that you should massage the penis before and after the injection. Just a thought.

I wonder why 5/16" needles wouldn't be the standard recommendation? It seems that there would be less margin of error of being too shallow vs too deep. Thoughts?
I have been using Tri-Mix for about 2 years now. When I first started I followed the directions to inject at 9 and 3 oclock and had many misfires. I finally started to inject at 11 or 1 oclock and have not had one misfire since. All I can say this works for me but may not work for everyone. I also use 1/2 inch needle.
riverside, I have used Trimix for almost 2 years as well and I have found that the walls of my penis on each side are not the same thickness. As Gene Devine said your response to the small dosage increases does not make sense. I have only injected and missed on the right side and it is usually because I didn't go deep enough. When you use Trimix you will feel the slight discomfort of the needle going in but when you push the solution in it should not hurt. When I missed it was when I injected into the wall and missed the Corpus cavernosum and that hurt. Some people say you can use Cialis with Trimix. If you had a trip to the ER I would stop the Cialis. Be aware of what you are taking as a supplements as well. If you had success with the .05ml dose the first time I would repeat that again and consume the same foods and supplements. I suspect that when you injected and got no results you missed and when you injected and it wouldn't go down you were possibly ingesting a Nitric Oxide booster.
I found my dose and I did it solo without the pressure of having sex. Good luck with your testing and I hope for your success soon.
Some guys are hypersensitive to Trimix. In my experience reading posts here and on my other group, I would say that around 10 percent of guys stop it because of that reason.


Can you give us details on needle size, injection site, pre and post injection massage, any medications you are taking, and if in all those instances you had the same sexual stimulation amount from sex partners or yourself (porn, etc)?
If you can take a pic of your syringe with the dose you use, that would be great.

You have probably watched this video.

Video: How to Inject Trimix
Some guys are hypersensitive to Trimix. In my experience reading posts here and on my other group, I would say that around 10 percent of guys stop it because of that reason.


Can you give us details on needle size, injection site, pre and post injection massage, any medications you are taking, and if in all those instances you had the same sexual stimulation amount from sex partners or yourself (porn, etc)?
If you can take a pic of your syringe with the dose you use, that would be great.

You have probably watched this video.

Video: How to Inject Trimix

Hi Nelson - I am using a .5ml syringe with 30G and 1/2" insulin needle (same as I use EOD for TRT). I will post a picture soon but I only fill it up a few "ticks" as they say to single digit units (under the first .1ml marker) which leaves most of the syringe not utilized. It almost looks ridiculous how little Trimix I am injecting. I just purchased .3ml 5/16" as I think I will prefer those for TRT as well since I inject 23ml EOD currently.

My instances and sexual stimulation and plumpness at injection have been similar. I have only injected in the right side of my penis to this point as my injections have been spread out because of these issues. I have consistently injected between 2:00 and 3:00 roughly 1" up from the base but this may have varied somewhat. I do recall that the needle wasn't fully pressed in on my first success at 5 units but it definitely was for my 2 bouts with priapism though so I don't know how to explain that. I have stood up and rubbed and massaged each time. When it has worked, it takes over 10 minutes to get going then unfortunately way too long to stop on those 2 occasions. I really think I am hypersensitive but that doesn't explain why one very small "tick" on the syringe results in no effect. The urologist in ER wasn't overly familiar with Trimix but was surprised I had this reaction to 7 units.

For medications/supplements I am on 23ml EOD Test-C, 25mg DHEA ED, .5mg Anastrazole EOD (a lot I know but have been for 3 months now closely monitored with E2 labs), 5g creatine ED, 3 grams Citrulline ED (though I haven't taken on Trimix injection days). I have tried 10mg Cialis daily but I have never mixed any ED PE5 drugs on the same day as Trimix injections.

For the priapism episodes I tried everything. Ice packs, cold shower, 120mg of real Sudafed tablets, squats, treadmill. Needless to say, one will try anything before driving in to the ER at 4am. Quite an experience in the ER.

Yes, I have watched that video and it is very informative.
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Hi Nelson - I am using a .5ml syringe with 30G and 1/2" insulin needle (same as I use EOD for TRT). I will post a picture soon but I only fill it up a few "ticks" as they say to single digit units (under the first .1ml marker) which leaves most of the syringe not utilized. It almost looks ridiculous how little Trimix I am injecting. I just purchased .3ml 5/16" as I think I will prefer those for TRT as well since I inject 23ml EOD currently.

My instances and sexual stimulation and plumpness at injection have been similar. I have only injected in the right side of my penis to this point as my injections have been spread out because of these issues. I have consistently injected between 2:00 and 3:00 roughly 1" up from the base but this may have varied somewhat. I do recall that the needle wasn't fully pressed in on my first success at 5 units but it definitely was for my 2 bouts with priapism though so I don't know how to explain that. I have stood up and rubbed and massaged each time. When it has worked, it takes over 10 minutes to get going then unfortunately way too long to stop on those 2 occasions. I really think I am hypersensitive but that doesn't explain why one very small "tick" on the syringe results in no effect. The urologist in ER wasn't overly familiar with Trimix but was surprised I had this reaction to 7 units.

For medications/supplements I am on 23ml EOD Test-C, 25mg DHEA ED, .5mg Anastrazole EOD (a lot I know but have been for 3 months now closely monitored with E2 labs), 5g creatine ED, 3 grams Citrulline ED (though I haven't taken on Trimix injection days). I have tried 10mg Cialis daily but I have never mixed any ED PE5 drugs on the same day as Trimix injections.

For the priapism episodes I tried everything. Ice packs, cold shower, 120mg of real Sudafed tablets, squats, treadmill. Needless to say, one will try anything before driving in to the ER at 4am. Quite an experience in the ER.

Yes, I have watched that video and it is very informative.
Nelson, here is a pic of 5 units with a .3ml insulin syringe.

Make sure the vial of trimix is mixed up VERY WELL prior to every injection. As the name suggests, Trimix includes 3 active ingredients, and as the vial sits in the refrigerator awaiting your next use gravity is constantly at work pulling those ingredients towards the bottom of the vial. In this scenario, if not mixed very thoroughly, a draw from the top end of the vial will produce a diluted product (and consequently poor response), whereas a draw from the bottom portion of the vial will produce a highly concentrated solution (and robust response). The key here is that the response can be unpredictable, erratic, and risky if the vial is not THOROUGHLY mixed prior to EVERY use to ensure uniformity of solution. This effect is magnified for hyper-responders.
make sure the vial of trimix is mixed up very well prior to every injection. As the name suggests, trimix includes 3 active ingredients, and as the vial sits in the refrigerator awaiting your next use gravity is constantly at work pulling those ingredients towards the bottom of the vial. In this scenario, if not mixed very thoroughly, a draw from the top end of the vial will produce a diluted product (and consequently poor response), whereas a draw from the bottom portion of the vial will produce a highly concentrated solution (and robust response). The key here is that the response can be unpredictable, erratic, and risky if the vial is not thoroughly mixed prior to every use to ensure uniformity of solution. This effect is magnified for hyper-responders.

Maybe Nelson can add this info to the Trimix "sticky" thread?
So I've tried Trimix 5 times with varied results. This is the standard 30-10-1 mix from Empower.

Attempt 1: 5 units (.05ml) decent erection lasting around a half hour.

Attempt 2: 8 units (.08ml) resulting in an ER trip and an erection around 8 hours. 120mg Sudafed did nothing. Urologist in ER wasnt very concerned as I wasn't in pain and erection wasn't cold. He gave me a few shots in my penis and that finally laid it down.

Attempt 3: 5 units (.05ml) and no results

Attempt 4: 6 units (.06ml) and a 7 hour erection

Attempt 5: 3.5 (.035ml) units and no results

Apparently I am a hyper responder at very low doses with no margin for error. Should I quit?

Totally different from my experience. I find the results very consistent. I get a big difference between 9 and 10 units, but it is consistent every time.
Quick update: On Saturday night I used 5 units again BUT used a 5/16" needle and had a great erection for roughly 2 hours. I am going to try 4.5 units tonight. I am really thinking I over shot the sweet spot a few times with a 1/2" needle. Time will tell.

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