Got my estradiol results back now what?

I posted a thread last week anastrozole or not. I was having no morning wood, not good erections, moodiness. My dosages are 200mg of test a week, 1000ius of hcg a week and .25mg of anastrozole a week.....they were split up on Tuesday and thursday.
My questions was estradiol too high or too low got some feed back from u guys and went to lab Corp to check it. I got results back and my estradiol sensitive test was 31.4.....the range is 8.0 to 35.0.
So I am high estradiol and need to bring it down. How do I do that with anastrozole?
I cut the .25mg in half and take it twice a week so 12.5mg twice a week.
Should I add another .25mg a week or just another 12.5mg??
Thanks guys
Also since my test I do inject every 3.5 days now as recommended.....I wasnt doing that before....just started this week..
Remind me, if you would, what your total and free testosterone values were on 200mg/week. Do I understand that you have only recently gone to dosing your testosterone every 3.5 days? If so, how long had you been following that schedule when you drew blood for your estradiol level? I ask because your E2 may be settling at this point - and may settle lower.
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I didn't get the testosterone or free test tested just estradiol. When I got blood drawn it was before my tuesday injection and that is when I started the 3.5 last week was the first week at every 3.5 days.
My protocol before was tuesday and thursday test inject and Monday Wednesday friday hcg injections with anastrozole on Wednesday.
My protocol now as of last week is hcg and test shots every 3.5 days.
Do I need to up my anastrozole or is switching to every 3.5 days good enough to lower my estradiol?
Is 31.4 high on sensitive test?
I didn't get the testosterone or free test tested just estradiol. When I got blood drawn it was before my tuesday injection and that is when I started the 3.5 last week was the first week at every 3.5 days.
My protocol before was tuesday and thursday test inject and Monday Wednesday friday hcg injections with anastrozole on Wednesday.
My protocol now as of last week is hcg and test shots every 3.5 days.
Do I need to up my anastrozole or is switching to every 3.5 days good enough to lower my estradiol?
Is 31.4 high on sensitive test?

I would do nothing for five more weeks, no anastrozole, so that your testosterone/estradiol levels can settle. It is entirely possible, indeed, probable, that your estradiol continue to lower. Your current value is not high. In five weeks draw total and free testosterone, estradiol (sensitive), and SHBG. You may well be able to lower your testosterone doses as well on the twice-weekly protocol.
without at least an estimate on your T, saying your E2 is high is foolish. If your T is 700 plus, having an E2 reading of 31 isn't that high. At all.
I didn't get the testosterone or free test tested just estradiol. When I got blood drawn it was before my tuesday injection and that is when I started the 3.5 last week was the first week at every 3.5 days.
My protocol before was tuesday and thursday test inject and Monday Wednesday friday hcg injections with anastrozole on Wednesday.
My protocol now as of last week is hcg and test shots every 3.5 days.
Do I need to up my anastrozole or is switching to every 3.5 days good enough to lower my estradiol?
Is 31.4 high on sensitive test?

I don't think your e2 is high, do you think so. When you're on an AI, do you have morning wood and good erections?
That's what am trying to figure out I have no moring wood and erections are sort of weak....unless I use cialis. I take .25mg of anastrozole right now.
I just started doing the 3.5 days injections last week so am guessing that will make a difference soon.
Also started taking 5mg of cialis daily for erection problems which have helped but still no moring wood.
Some schools of thought are in keeping with 31 as less than ideal. As noted your TT would be helpful, there's a ratio theory there for T:E that could be applied here. Absent anything else, I would reduce the anastrozole to 12.5mg per week. Anastrozole should never be in your protocol because of a number on a test, absent negative symptoms like itchy nipples, and so on.
I get retested in a few weeks and will have everything testosterone, estradiol, free this should give me a better perspective.
So you are saying 31.4 isnt ideal? So should it be higher or lower? But I guess it depends on where my test is?
So I will only take 12.5mg of anastrozole a week for the next few weeks before retest.
Some men feel better with a higher E2, given what you're saying here I would go higher, rather than lower, reason I suggested you cut back the Anastrozole.
There is no single ideal number for E2 - it depends upon how it relates to your total T in a ratio format and then there are individual differences as well.
Is bad on the prostate for higher e2 levels...even if I feel better with higher estradiol I don't want to it be harmful to the prostate. All my psa are just thinking long term.
So high estradiol levels can contribute to prostate cancer but we still don't know if what's a high level of estradiol! I am guessing if u have other high e2 symptoms like gyno it's too high and that is also bad on prostate when they r that high.
Vince what's your e2 level

I use 80mg of testosterone cypionate and 500iu of hcg every 3 1/2 days - no AI

testosterone, serum 1059ng/dl 348-1197
free testosterone direct 28.9 pg/mL 6.6-18.1
dhea-sulate 214.9 ug/dL 48.9-344.2
estradiol, seneitive 27.3 pg/mL 8.0-35.0
If your results are at trough before a weekly T-shot, then that is probably the E2 trough as well. The E2 is probably higher at T peak. My Doc says that E2 is pretty stable across the week but testing on me has not shown that to be the case...

Splitting the T shot should result in lower peak T and lower peak E2 and maybe then you don't need more AI.

IANAD but may be worthwhile to take a peak and trough E2 measurement then you know the range. Then again, I think I may be the only person here that does that ;-)
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Peak and trough readings are well worth the trouble to run down. I am a big believer that Anastrozole, when necessary, needs to be a part of a TRT protocol. But only when necessary. All the best.

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