No feeling during ejaculation

Ya I’m pretty sure it does take along time for ur body to produce more monoamine oxidase enzymes again. Maybe I never noticed any negatives after discontinuing it because I always kept my dose of it relatively low. Not sure how it would go if I was experiencing negative sides on it, and then stopped taking it. Not sure how long it would take for those symptoms to subside. Never experienced any negative symptoms on it personally
The dosage for health extension purposes is very low, 2-5 mg's. I have seen no reports of any ill effects after discontinuation.
The dosage for health extension purposes is very low, 2-5 mg's. I have seen no reports of any ill effects after discontinuation.
Is that 2-5mgs per day? And I assume thats orally?

Are u still taking 5mg/ day orally?

Do u off hand know what aspect of selegiline is responsible for its anti aging effects?
Is that 2-5mgs per day? And I assume thats orally?

Are u still taking 5mg/ day orally?

Do u off hand know what aspect of selegiline is responsible for its anti

Is that 2-5mgs per day? And I assume thats orally?

Are u still taking 5mg/ day orally?

Do u off hand know what aspect of selegiline is responsible for its anti aging effects?
I personally take a 5 mg tablet daily. Some are using a liquid form from what I have heard, but there are conflicting opinions on that.

A good description of the benefits is here:

I am fortunate enough to have an open-minded physician who has prescribed me selegeline. It's worth a shot for any who are interested to ask your doc for a script. Take your research in and show them, do your homework and know that this is a small dose that will not effect MAO-A.

If they refuse, it is available from the link I posted. I purchased it from them for many years and can vouch for the quality. I do NOT receive any sort of compensation, it is just sharing a source.
Reaching climax is an amazing experience, every last drop from your semen is coming out !! To a level it feels like you will scream “in a good way” ejaculation is continuous and STRONG. The over all experience of ejqculation or reaching climax is not 100% out of %100 it’s actually 150% out of 100%
Why do I say 150% ? Because sometimes you actually want to scream or basically make a sound while reaching climax “ejacuation experience”
Does wellbutrin make you finish faster?
My protocol:
16 to 20 mg EOD sustanon
Fsh 75 EOD
500 hcg eod
Are you doing these subq or IM, i'm currently also taking 500hcg 75fsh MWF, no testosterone as i'm going to get labs done soon to see what testicles are putting out.
I am fortunate enough to have an open-minded physician who has prescribed me selegeline. It's worth a shot for any who are interested to ask your doc for a script. Take your research in and show them, do your homework and know that this is a small dose that will not effect MAO-A.

If they refuse, it is available from the link I posted. I purchased it from them for many years and can vouch for the quality. I do NOT receive any sort of compensation, it is just sharing a source.
Selegeline sounds very interesting. I have tried it before but don't think I gave it long enough to really determine if it was beneficial to me. Are there any concerns you know of with drug/supplement interactions and selegeline? I was thinking of giving Methylene Blue a try based on things I've been reading lately and noticed on a drug interaction website that it is considered a "major" contraindication with selegeline.
I am fortunate enough to have an open-minded physician who has prescribed me selegeline. It's worth a shot for any who are interested to ask your doc for a script. Take your research in and show them, do your homework and know that this is a small dose that will not effect MAO-A.

If they refuse, it is available from the link I posted. I purchased it from them for many years and can vouch for the quality. I do NOT receive any sort of compensation, it is just sharing a source.
I’ve had a script from defy for years now. Was no trouble at all getting it. I do my consults with a PA named Mike there, and I simply asked him if I could take it to increase dopamine levels, and possibly decrease prolactin levels, and consequently/ possibly improve sexual function/ mood/ drive. He was totally fine with it. I get the script sent to a local pharmacy, and then my insurance covers most of it

Started taking it again this morning. Gonna maybe do like 1.25mg EOD SL. Maybe even E3D or E4D
Selegeline sounds very interesting. I have tried it before but don't think I gave it long enough to really determine if it was beneficial to me. Are there any concerns you know of with drug/supplement interactions and selegeline? I was thinking of giving Methylene Blue a try based on things I've been reading lately and noticed on a drug interaction website that it is considered a "major" contraindication with selegeline.
I’ve experimented with both. Methylene blue most recently. Didn’t really notice any benefits form the MB tho, so I ended up stopping it. Just started taking Selegiline again this morning.

So the reason they say to not take MB concurrently with Selegiline, is due to them both being MAO inhibitors. Selegiline being an MAO-B inhibitor, at low to moderate dosages, and an MAO-A inhibitor in higher dosages. MB is strictly an MAO-A inhibitor, as far as I know. So theoretically, u might be able to use them both at the same time, as long as u keep ur selegiline dosage on the lower end. Which is what I would recommend to anyone looking to use it. Seems like the majority of negative experiences with it, are from people using too high of a dosage, on a regular basis
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I have literally hundreds of positive anecdotes saved, in reference to using selegiline, but here’s one that’s really good, and in depth, where he mentioned how his orgasms became so much better on selegiline. So for once I’m actually posting something that’s related to the OP’s original question/ issue lol. And just for clarity’s sake, I think when he mentions that there’s no need to go over 1.25mg, I think he’s talking about taking that dose daily, and I think he’s referring to taking that dose sublingually. Sublingually, selegiline has a much higher absorption rate than taking it orally.

“Well for me the libido boost took a while to become really apparent. For me that effect has sort of accumulated over time too. I think your dose may be a little bit too high, if you take it daily there's no need to go over 1.25~ mg. At 2.5 mg daily you will most likely inhibit MAO-A to some degree and the increase in serotonin and norepinephrine can have the opposite effects on libido, especially serotonin. The prolactin reducing effect from Selegiline disappears when you start crossing into MAO-A territory a lot as serotonin has the opposite effect on prolactin compared to dopamine. I take like 1/4 of a pill now (about 1.25 mg) sublingually every 5th-6th day or so and this alone has a really big almost annoying increase in libido and sexual desire for me. Also orgasms feel so much better with MAO-B inhibited and for me they seem to last longer too, and when I was taking 1.25 mg daily it was really crazy as I would be getting multiple orgasms after coming once and it could last for like half a minute or so if not more. But if I take too much like 5 mg sublingual daily I in fact get greatly reduced libido and the complete opposite effects, and from what I remember when I was trying 2.5 mg/day I also had less libido than I had from 1.25 mg/day or the regime I am on now until my body maybe later adapted after a couple of weeks due to the increased serotonin I am guessing.

So try a lower dose imo, don't go over 1.25 mg/day and give it some time to see if it will have any "positive" effects on libido as the brain and body needs some time to adapt to these changes. In fact Selegiline seems to have made my testicles noticably bigger after some months of use now and that is a direct effect due to the lowered prolactin and increased dopamine (which in turn makes the testes produce more testosterone). Selegiline actually has this ability in male rats and mice too, where their testicles grew to a quite noticable level on measurements. So with this change made to testicles in mind and the effects I have had personally with a slowly increase in libido it sort of makes sense imo to give the brain and body some time to adapt and give it some time to see if it affects your libido or not.

And yeah when you start crossing into MAO-A inhibition territory that is also where you start crossing into the insomnia side-effect territory due to all the increase serotonin, noradrenaline and trace amines broken down by MAO-A greatly affecting and promoting wakefulness. Also this may suppress things like REM sleep and dreams, another huge downside in my own opinion. I would probably take selegiline daily if it were not for potentially crossing into MAO-A territory and getting many of these unwanted effects, also too much MAO-B inhibition just increases histamine too much for me personally.

And once again yeah, a lot of people just expect too much from Selegiline and think it will be some kind of strong amphetamine-like stimulant. People even like to talk about its amphetamine metabolites as if they could actually have any particular positive effects when they are the levo isomers which are pretty much only unpleasant and have so little affinity for anything else than norepinephrine that they are proven to have 0 abuse potential and addiction liabilites in animal studies lol.

Also I have never noticed any withdrawal symptoms from Selegiline. The effects from it are already very subtle and since the MAO-B enzyme is slowly and steadily recovered it is like a small self-taper is already built into the substance when you discontinue it(the dopamine and not to mention trace amine and PEA levels will slowly be going down as MAO-B activity increases). So I wouldn't worry about this. Almost nobody on the net has ever said that they experienced withdrawals from discontinuing it, and from what I remember animal and human studies showed that there was zero dependence developed on the substance”
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Some things that potentiate the effects of selegeline for me in a negative way are stimulants. Caffeine, energy drinks, tyrosine and others have to be moderated or I get overstimulated.
Some things that potentiate the effects of selegeline for me in a negative way are stimulants. Caffeine, energy drinks, tyrosine and others have to be moderated or I get overstimulated.
Ya, I’ve also read anecdotes where people report stronger effects from certain things, while on selegiline. So they need less of certain things, while on selegiline. Sounds similar to what u experience
Ya, I’ve also read anecdotes where people report stronger effects from certain things, while on selegiline. So they need less of certain things, while on selegiline. Sounds similar to what u experience
For clarification, the discussion of selegeline is on topic with this thread as it is a potential solution to the problem... ;)
So this is what contributing to a thread without derailing it feels like, I should try this more often lol
@BadassBlues for additional moderator!

Much better bedside manner than madman but I can't f with madman content and his obsessive follow up posts. You gotta respect that part of the madness. @madman, since your rude persona on here has lost at least one valued member here, plus some others that just left, have you ever thought about softening your approach?

Cataceous still running god mode on here though. Cataceous for President.
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So I had similar experience. I would be rock hard, maintain for great sex, she enjoyed and would cum more than once... I would pull and while felt awesome no juice... First I increased Zinc...50 mg per day and began the daily dose of Cialis 5mg per day. It definately improved but loads were not big. Later, went to my urologist and told him the situation. He tested me and found that my prostrate was enlarged and causing my uretha to be somewhat crushed. Simple procedure call the EuroLift. Outpatient, no cutting.. he put some kind of stent or clips to open uretha. About a 5 day recovery but now am back to having awesome orgasms and impressive loads. My wife immediately noticed the increase in juice. I am continuing the daily dose of Zinc and Cialis. I am 74 and test range 1050. 3 other supplements I take and you may consider are Ashwanga, Red Ginseng and Black Maca....
I've had disappointing ejaculation/orgasms now for over 10 years. Rarely, I'll have a 5 out of 10 orgasm, but that's about it. I've tried Cabergoline, Wellbutrin, Oxytocin, and Pelvic Floor Therapy. Nothing has cured me. It just feels like something is malfunctioning. My PSA levels are always within range and on the low side. The last time I got my prostate checked, the urologist said it was slightly enlarged due to TRT, but he expressed no concern. The EuroLift sounds interesting, specially given the fact that it cured you of this issue. Could you tell me what test he used to determine that your urethra was being crushed? At this point I will try anything.
Does wellbutrin make you finish faster?

Are you doing these subq or IM, i'm currently also taking 500hcg 75fsh MWF, no testosterone as i'm going to get labs done soon to see what testicles are putting out.
Unfortunately Wellbutrin only advantage is when finish or the finish part of sex.
Finishing fast is my major problem as it requires focus and more sexual moves from any girl I am with.

I use subq no one uses im anymore.
I have literally hundreds of positive anecdotes saved, in reference to using selegiline, but here’s one that’s really good, and in depth, where he mentioned how his orgasms became so much better on selegiline. So for once I’m actually posting something that’s related to the OP’s original question/ issue lol. And just for clarity’s sake, I think when he mentions that there’s no need to go over 1.25mg, I think he’s talking about taking that dose daily, and I think he’s referring to taking that dose sublingually. Sublingually, selegiline has a much higher absorption rate than taking it orally.

“Well for me the libido boost took a while to become really apparent. For me that effect has sort of accumulated over time too. I think your dose may be a little bit too high, if you take it daily there's no need to go over 1.25~ mg. At 2.5 mg daily you will most likely inhibit MAO-A to some degree and the increase in serotonin and norepinephrine can have the opposite effects on libido, especially serotonin. The prolactin reducing effect from Selegiline disappears when you start crossing into MAO-A territory a lot as serotonin has the opposite effect on prolactin compared to dopamine. I take like 1/4 of a pill now (about 1.25 mg) sublingually every 5th-6th day or so and this alone has a really big almost annoying increase in libido and sexual desire for me. Also orgasms feel so much better with MAO-B inhibited and for me they seem to last longer too, and when I was taking 1.25 mg daily it was really crazy as I would be getting multiple orgasms after coming once and it could last for like half a minute or so if not more. But if I take too much like 5 mg sublingual daily I in fact get greatly reduced libido and the complete opposite effects, and from what I remember when I was trying 2.5 mg/day I also had less libido than I had from 1.25 mg/day or the regime I am on now until my body maybe later adapted after a couple of weeks due to the increased serotonin I am guessing.

So try a lower dose imo, don't go over 1.25 mg/day and give it some time to see if it will have any "positive" effects on libido as the brain and body needs some time to adapt to these changes. In fact Selegiline seems to have made my testicles noticably bigger after some months of use now and that is a direct effect due to the lowered prolactin and increased dopamine (which in turn makes the testes produce more testosterone). Selegiline actually has this ability in male rats and mice too, where their testicles grew to a quite noticable level on measurements. So with this change made to testicles in mind and the effects I have had personally with a slowly increase in libido it sort of makes sense imo to give the brain and body some time to adapt and give it some time to see if it affects your libido or not.

And yeah when you start crossing into MAO-A inhibition territory that is also where you start crossing into the insomnia side-effect territory due to all the increase serotonin, noradrenaline and trace amines broken down by MAO-A greatly affecting and promoting wakefulness. Also this may suppress things like REM sleep and dreams, another huge downside in my own opinion. I would probably take selegiline daily if it were not for potentially crossing into MAO-A territory and getting many of these unwanted effects, also too much MAO-B inhibition just increases histamine too much for me personally.

And once again yeah, a lot of people just expect too much from Selegiline and think it will be some kind of strong amphetamine-like stimulant. People even like to talk about its amphetamine metabolites as if they could actually have any particular positive effects when they are the levo isomers which are pretty much only unpleasant and have so little affinity for anything else than norepinephrine that they are proven to have 0 abuse potential and addiction liabilites in animal studies lol.

Also I have never noticed any withdrawal symptoms from Selegiline. The effects from it are already very subtle and since the MAO-B enzyme is slowly and steadily recovered it is like a small self-taper is already built into the substance when you discontinue it(the dopamine and not to mention trace amine and PEA levels will slowly be going down as MAO-B activity increases). So I wouldn't worry about this. Almost nobody on the net has ever said that they experienced withdrawals from discontinuing it, and from what I remember animal and human studies showed that there was zero dependence developed on the substance”
Is sele
Obv selegeline can increase dopamine levels, but do u know if it increases norepinephrine levels, as well? U were saying that norepinephrine can be beneficial for orgasms, so jc if selegeline increases levels of both dopamine and norepinephrine, or if Wellbutrin would be better to take, if increasing both dopamine and norepinephrine levels, via one drug, is the goal
have you experienced any clear benefits from selegeline? Cuz for me Wellbutrin is clear as black and white.

Yet the bigger problem still is finishing fast.
I have to mention here NO WITHDRAWAL symptoms from Wellbutrin at all.
Even with alcohol. Nothing.
Also I believe taking it as early morning as possible is better for good sleep.
Yet again the benefits for me is way more important than a bit of disturbance in my sleep which doesn’t happen daily.

One thing I notice lately which I am not sure yet from what. is Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) it came and slowly went away, not yet sure from what or why did it happen.
Looks like u were about to ask something about selegiline but didn’t finish
have you experienced any clear benefits from selegeline? Cuz for me Wellbutrin is clear as black and white.
No, I can’t say I ever personally notice any clear benefits from taking it. I’ve taken it off and off many times. Currently taking it, in hopes to notice some benefits, but even if I continue to not feel anything super noticeable from it, I’ll probably continue taking it for longevity purpose/ keeping dopamine up as I continue to age. This is assuming I don’t notice any negatives from it. If I end up noticing negatives, without any positives, I’ll obv stop taking it
Yet the bigger problem still is finishing fast.
So u tend to finish too quickly during sex ur saying? I have the complete opposite problem. Sometimes it’s really hard for me to finish from sex
Looks like u were about to ask something about selegiline but didn’t finish

No, I can’t say I ever personally notice any clear benefits from taking it. I’ve taken it off and off many times. Currently taking it, in hopes to notice some benefits, but even if I continue to not feel anything super noticeable from it, I’ll probably continue taking it for longevity purpose/ keeping dopamine up as I continue to age. This is assuming I don’t notice any negatives from it. If I end up noticing negatives, without any positives, I’ll obv stop taking it

So u tend to finish too quickly during sex ur saying? I have the complete opposite problem. Sometimes it’s really hard for me to finish from sex
I was asking about seligline benefits, but retyped it again in another post.

No I can’t finish, everything seems to be good except libido of course comes and goes but my problem is reaching orgasm it’s not easy, usually I try to imagine some sexual scenes just to reach orgasm.
I am not sure if there is something out there that can make us finish and reach orgasm faster. Of course once I reach it then Wellbutrin does its majic. Which I can easily reach it if I am alone but if while having sex is difficult.

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