Elevated hemoglobin/hematocrit, iron supplements?


New Member
I recently had lab work done, my labs came back with high hemoglobin,hematocrit, and RBC. I think the cause is not testosterone related nor is it high iron stores. My testosterone dose is quite low, I am only taking 50mg a week of testosterone cypionate/enanthate. This dose is quite low, in the past I have taken higher dosages, approximately 200mg per week and my hemoglobin,hematocrit,RBC counts were lower. MY only other suspicion was high iron stores, but that is not the case either, my ferritin is not high it is 131. I am starting to think it may be something with my breathing, If I feel anxious at times, it affects the way I breath, which may cause my body to produce more RBC, so my body gets the oxygen it needs. Sleep apnea I don't think I have, I have never experienced any type of sleep issues.

I do take a multi vitamin from super nutrition, which contains iron. According to Mike Mooney, if the body has sufficient iron it just wont absorb anymore. I did see a video from Nelson that showed he was taking a multi from the same company that also contained iron. I am not sure if it good for me to take this multi containing iron. I wonder what Nelson thinks about this.

My hemoglobin is 18.2, hematocrit 53.8, and RBC 6.21, would you guys say that my levels require immediate blood donation?

Many men on low T dose see hematocrit increases even with no supplements. Some men have very sensitive bone marrows that are stimulated by any exogenous T. By the way, what is your total testosterone with that dose?

Have you always been on that dose (which represents half of the needed dose to replace T production)?

You are at a point that donating 1 unit of blood is a good idea.
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I have been taking testosterone off and on for years. In the past I have taken 200mg per week, also 100mg per week. Through experimentation I found 50mg per week to be a good amount for me. My sex drive is good and I feel good. Unfortunately, I don't have health insurance and am only able to get a low cost cbc, which I find most important, the only real danger of taking trt.
My goal is not to replace, but to supplement. Endocrinology text book states "25mg to 50mg" per week for supplementation.
Can you send me the reference where you read that 50 mg per week is enough ? Thanks

A healthy and young male body produces 5-7 mg per day of testosterone. Any TRT option has at best a 50 % absorption into the body.
I have also ran into a guy online that use to take high dosages of testosterone while in high school and now only takes 50mg per week and his test levels are always in the upper range.
You can't supplement your testosterone, it's replacement. Within two weeks of adding Exo T, you're body stopped making it. That's indisputable.
What do you use to distinguish that your body has shut down testosterone production? I have a friend that got his wife pregnant while taking testosterone and nandrolone.

You can't supplement your testosterone, it's replacement. Within two weeks of adding Exo T, you're body stopped making it. That's indisputable.
What do you use to distinguish that your body has shut down testosterone production? I have a friend that got his wife pregnant while taking testosterone and nandrolone.

Fertility can, indeed, be preserved, while on TRT if a good protocol is being used. What were your most recent testosterone levels, and were they pulled while on the current protocol? What were your LH and FSH levels?
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