Doc just prescribed me 100mg weekly of Deca for joint pain and a bad shoulder. my current protocol is Test Cyp 180mg weekly (pin eod). I am a seasoned lifter. 38 years old. about 12% bf. Pull 500 pound deadlifts for reps. Since starting TRT about a year ago I have put on about 7-10 pounds of muscle but hat has plateaued. My question is, what kind of gains will I see from 100mg of Deca. How much lean mass is possible? Strength? fat loss? etc.
If you have any experiences, first or second hand please let me know. If you could do me a favor and keep this thread on track and not deviate from the topic I would be very grateful. Thank you in advance.
I take it that you do not have any previous experience with AAS use.
At such a dose do not expect any significant gains in muscle/strength.
Sure with a proper diet/training protocol, you should see improvements in muscle/strength gains but it will be minimal when compared to using the steroid doses needed for moderate-significant gains in muscle mass (300-600mg/week).
The dose prescribed for joint pain is 50-100mg/week and with the addition of 100mg ND to your current trt protocol, you should see improvements in body composition.
200-200+mg/week is the minimum dose needed where one would start to reap the true muscle-building potential of nandrolone.
You are already using a fairly high dose of T and where your TT/FT trough sits on your EOD protocol I have no idea as you did not post any labs and I would be more concerned with where your hemoglobin/hematocrit and lipid markers sit as the ND may affect such in a negative way.
Also, keep in mind that although nandrolone will relieve/improve joint pain/bone health in most.
It does not heal damaged tendons which in most cases is tendinosis (degeneration) from wear/tear, aging.
Nandrolone will just mask the symptoms due to increase lubrication of the joints, fluid retention, increased collagen.
Very rare one would use nandrolone short-term to cure such issues permanently as symptoms will eventually come back once it is stopped.
Unfortunately many jump on nandrolone thinking it will cure their issues and at the same time continue training heavy further beating up their joints/ligaments/tendons.
As we age one needs to train smarter as you will notice it is very common for most who have weight trained for years to end up with damaged joints/tendons from the repetitive wear/tear on the body.