Deca Gains. What to expect


Well-Known Member
Doc just prescribed me 100mg weekly of Deca for joint pain and a bad shoulder. my current protocol is Test Cyp 180mg weekly (pin eod). I am a seasoned lifter. 38 years old. about 12% bf. Pull 500 pound deadlifts for reps. Since starting TRT about a year ago I have put on about 7-10 pounds of muscle but hat has plateaued. My question is, what kind of gains will I see from 100mg of Deca. How much lean mass is possible? Strength? fat loss? etc.

If you have any experiences, first or second hand please let me know. If you could do me a favor and keep this thread on track and not deviate from the topic I would be very grateful. Thank you in advance.
Doc just prescribed me 100mg weekly of Deca for joint pain and a bad shoulder. my current protocol is Test Cyp 180mg weekly (pin eod). I am a seasoned lifter. 38 years old. about 12% bf. Pull 500 pound deadlifts for reps. Since starting TRT about a year ago I have put on about 7-10 pounds of muscle but hat has plateaued. My question is, what kind of gains will I see from 100mg of Deca. How much lean mass is possible? Strength? fat loss? etc.

If you have any experiences, first or second hand please let me know. If you could do me a favor and keep this thread on track and not deviate from the topic I would be very grateful. Thank you in advance.

I take it that you do not have any previous experience with AAS use.

At such a dose do not expect any significant gains in muscle/strength.

Sure with a proper diet/training protocol, you should see improvements in muscle/strength gains but it will be minimal when compared to using the steroid doses needed for moderate-significant gains in muscle mass (300-600mg/week).

The dose prescribed for joint pain is 50-100mg/week and with the addition of 100mg ND to your current trt protocol, you should see improvements in body composition.

200-200+mg/week is the minimum dose needed where one would start to reap the true muscle-building potential of nandrolone.

You are already using a fairly high dose of T and where your TT/FT trough sits on your EOD protocol I have no idea as you did not post any labs and I would be more concerned with where your hemoglobin/hematocrit and lipid markers sit as the ND may affect such in a negative way.

Also, keep in mind that although nandrolone will relieve/improve joint pain/bone health in most.

It does not heal damaged tendons which in most cases is tendinosis (degeneration) from wear/tear, aging.

Nandrolone will just mask the symptoms due to increase lubrication of the joints, fluid retention, increased collagen.

Very rare one would use nandrolone short-term to cure such issues permanently as symptoms will eventually come back once it is stopped.

Unfortunately many jump on nandrolone thinking it will cure their issues and at the same time continue training heavy further beating up their joints/ligaments/tendons.

As we age one needs to train smarter as you will notice it is very common for most who have weight trained for years to end up with damaged joints/tendons from the repetitive wear/tear on the body.
thanks for the detailed post! I am not expecting anything crazy but I am expecting some changes in my physique. I am not looking to look like a freak. Lets just say my bench is 300, which I am not sure what it is, could a 100mg weekly dose help to achieve 350 over, lets say 6 months? I am really just trying to get a gauge on what to expect here. How much lean mass could one acquire in 6 months?

FT 25
E2 35
TT 1350
I am currently on a protocol that includes Nandrolone. I'm on a low dose testosterone and low dose Nandrolone. 20mg of Nandrolone EOD, testosterone cypionate 20mg EOD and 500 IU of HCG twice a week. I have not notice any improvement joint issues. I've noticed some increase in strength, libido and mind clarity. At the beginning, I did have increase in hunger and gain belly fat. Thankfully that went away, along with my belly fat.

My workout goals are a lot different than yours. I try to increase reps, and not so much on weight increases.
thanks for the detailed post! I am not expecting anything crazy but I am expecting some changes in my physique. I am not looking to look like a freak. Lets just say my bench is 300, which I am not sure what it is, could a 100mg weekly dose help to achieve 350 over, lets say 6 months? I am really just trying to get a gauge on what to expect here. How much lean mass could one acquire in 6 months?

FT 25
E2 35
TT 1350

No one can say for sure as not only will training/diet play a large part but more importantly
genetics and even then do not expect any significant gains in muscle/strength.

You should definitely notice some improvements in body composition/strength but again no one can say what will be the outcome.

No one is using 100mg/week of nandrolone for the sole purpose of muscle enhancement/strength gains.

50-100mg/week of nandrolone is a therapeutic dose.
No one can say for sure as not only will training/diet play a large part but more importantly
genetics and even then do not expect any significant gains in muscle/strength.

You should definitely notice some improvements in body composition/strength but again no one can say what will be the outcome.

No one is using 100mg/week of nandrolone for the sole purpose of muscle enhancement/strength gains.

50-100mg/week of nandrolone is a therapeutic dose.
Isn't it more anabolic the testosterone though? Wouldn't adding 100mg of Deca actually be more anabolic that adding 100mg of tear cyp?
thanks for the detailed post! I am not expecting anything crazy but I am expecting some changes in my physique. I am not looking to look like a freak. Lets just say my bench is 300, which I am not sure what it is, could a 100mg weekly dose help to achieve 350 over, lets say 6 months? I am really just trying to get a gauge on what to expect here. How much lean mass could one acquire in 6 months?

FT 25
E2 35
TT 1350

Seeing as you are running a really high TT and most likely FT (would need to have had tested using an accurate method such as Equilibrium Dialysis or Ultrafiltration to truly know) trough as you are on an EOD protocol (180mg/week) which may very well have your hemoglobin/hematocrit levels elevated than if such is the case I would keep an eye on those blood markers as well as your HDL as nandrolone can have a negative impact.

Keep in mind too that your peak TT/FT levels will be even higher.

Where does your RBCs/hemoglobin/hematocrit sit on such protocol (T only) and have you had to donate at all to control it?
I am currently on a protocol that includes Nandrolone. I'm on a low dose testosterone and low dose Nandrolone. 20mg of Nandrolone EOD, testosterone cypionate 20mg EOD and 500 IU of HCG twice a week. I have not notice any improvement joint issues. I've noticed some increase in strength, libido and mind clarity. At the beginning, I did have increase in hunger and gain belly fat. Thankfully that went away, along with my belly fat.

My workout goals are a lot different than yours. I try to increase reps, and not so much on weight increases.

So how have your reps been going? Increasing in number?
Isn't it more anabolic the testosterone though? Wouldn't adding 100mg of Deca actually be more anabolic that adding 100mg of tear cyp?

Yes, it binds more strongly to the AR but again 100mg/week is a therapeutic dose of nandrolone not a steroid dose which is needed to truly reap the muscle-building potential of the drug.
Seeing as you are running a really high TT and most likely FT (would need to have had tested using an accurate method such as Equilibrium Dialysis or Ultrafiltration to truly know) trough as you are on an EOD protocol (180mg/week) which may very well have your hemoglobin/hematocrit levels elevated than if such is the case I would keep an eye on those blood markers as well as your HDL as nandrolone can have a negative impact.

Keep in mind too that your peak TT/FT levels will be even higher.

Where does your RBCs/hemoglobin/hematocrit sit on such protocol (T only) and have you had to donate at all to control it?
I haven't had to donate yet. Hematocrit is is usually around 48. Can't remember hemoglobin but it's within range. hDL is usually at 46 to 50.
I'm on 200/wk TestC & 100/wk of nandrolone, (combined and split EOD) and while I haven't had my TT numbers checked yet (only on week 6 of current protocol) I did have my annual physical last week and got CBC and lipids checked.

I had a much higher hematocrit (49.7) when I was on zero nandrolone and 160 TestC (once) per week at the Men's T Clinic for 8 weeks.
  • WBC - 4.1
  • RBC - 5.13
  • Hemoglobin - 14.8
  • Hematocrit - 45.0
  • Total Cholesterol - 155
  • HDL - 55
  • LDL - 86
Feeling great so far and I'll go back to Dr. Lipshultz in 3 weeks for my follow up and to see about adjusting my dose - if required.
Yes, it binds more strongly to the AR but again 100mg/week is a therapeutic dose of nandrolone not a steroid dose which is needed to truly reap the muscle-building potential of the drug.
Gotcha. I'm using very basic bro logic here.
I'm on 200/wk TestC & 100/wk of nandrolone, (combined and split EOD) and while I haven't had my TT numbers checked yet (only on week 6 of current protocol) I did have my annual physical last week and got CBC and lipids checked.

I had a much higher hematocrit (49.7) when I was on zero nandrolone and 160 TestC (once) per week at the Men's T Clinic for 8 weeks.
  • WBC - 4.1
  • RBC - 5.13
  • Hemoglobin - 14.8
  • Hematocrit - 45.0
  • Total Cholesterol - 155
  • HDL - 55
  • LDL - 86
Feeling great so far and I'll go back to Dr. Lipshultz in 3 weeks for my follow up and to see about adjusting my dose - if required.
When you say feeling great what do you mean?

'When you say feeling great what do you mean?'

I feel much better now that I'm on this protocol prior to starting my TRT journey beginning in January of this year. Libido is fantastic and I'm able to put on muscle I haven't been able to put on since I was a soldier in the Army back in the early 90s. I sleep better and am more alert during the day.

Looking forward to hitting my 50th birthday next year.

Did that answer your question?
I think s

'When you say feeling great what do you mean?'

I feel much better now that I'm on this protocol prior to starting my TRT journey beginning in January of this year. Libido is fantastic and I'm able to put on muscle I haven't been able to put on since I was a soldier in the Army back in the early 90s. I sleep better and am more alert during the day.

Looking forward to hitting my 50th birthday next year.

Did that answer your question?
I think so. You noticed the benefits you described after adding the Nandrolone correct?
I think s

I think so. You noticed the benefits you described after adding the Nandrolone correct?

Yes(ish) I noticed feeling better after adding the nandrolone and increasing my TestC doe by 40mg/week. I also feel better by injecting EOD as opposed to twice a week and MOST CERTAINLY over just the once a week as the T clinic had me on.
Doc just prescribed me 100mg weekly of Deca for joint pain and a bad shoulder. my current protocol is Test Cyp 180mg weekly (pin eod). I am a seasoned lifter. 38 years old. about 12% bf. Pull 500 pound deadlifts for reps. Since starting TRT about a year ago I have put on about 7-10 pounds of muscle but hat has plateaued. My question is, what kind of gains will I see from 100mg of Deca. How much lean mass is possible? Strength? fat loss? etc.

If you have any experiences, first or second hand please let me know. If you could do me a favor and keep this thread on track and not deviate from the topic I would be very grateful. Thank you in advance.
As a former bodybuilder and a competition prep coach (side job, not my career) Deca even at 100 mg will increase nitrogen retention in the muscle making your muscles fuller inside and outside of the gym. However, don’t expect much of a strength from Deca as it is not known to produce significant strength gains. In terms of body composition, expect more water retention resulting in a smoothed over look as opposed to a leaner more vascular look. Also, myself and most clients tend to become less vascular taking nandrolone, irrespective of water retention. Regarding weight gain, if you hold significant water from Deca you will likely see a few pounds on the scale, but any true increase in weight will come from calorie consumption.

As @madman stated, 100 mg of Deca is not an ideal bulking dose used for bodybuilding or other strength athletes. Dosages range from 200-400 mg for a more dramatic effect on weight gain.
I'm on 200/wk TestC & 100/wk of nandrolone, (combined and split EOD) and while I haven't had my TT numbers checked yet (only on week 6 of current protocol) I did have my annual physical last week and got CBC and lipids checked.

I had a much higher hematocrit (49.7) when I was on zero nandrolone and 160 TestC (once) per week at the Men's T Clinic for 8 weeks.
  • WBC - 4.1
  • RBC - 5.13
  • Hemoglobin - 14.8
  • Hematocrit - 45.0
  • Total Cholesterol - 155
  • HDL - 55
  • LDL - 86
Feeling great so far and I'll go back to Dr. Lipshultz in 3 weeks for my follow up and to see about adjusting my dose - if required.
Nice! I’m with Lipshultz as well.
Are you also on nandrolone prescribed by Lipshultz?
Yea he prescribed it to me years ago and I've tried numerous times to stick with it but after 6 weeks depression and sleep disturbances become too troublesome for me and I have to stop. Joints do feel better with nandrolone and my muscles stay full/recover quicker. I'm always jealous of the guys who do well with it in their protocol, lol. I wish I could.
Here’s a video that might help u out. I watched it fairly recently. Think the 100mg of nandrolone group gained around the same amount of muscle as the 300mg of test group. So muscle gains on deca were clearly much better. Think deca lacked in the strength department, compared to test tho. I would imagine due to deca aromatizing extremely little into E2. I would imagine testosterone’s ability to aromatize much more than deca lead to the testosterone group having better strength gains. Just speculation tho. There might be other mechanisms that make testosterone better for strength

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