About to start TRT - should I?


New Member
First of all hi! I've been reading and reading, absorbing everything I can from the very knowledgeable membership here. Phenomenal resource.

For years now, I'd guess 7 or 8, I haven't felt myself at all. Currently 46, started a gradual decline in my late 30s. Symptoms include brain fog, difficulty concentrating, lightheaded spells, lack of results at the gym even when diet / sleep etc are good, very little enjoyment derived from things that I know I love doing, and worst of all a huge decline in libido. I have a new girlfriend in my life who on an intellectual level I know I'm attracted to in every way (dark haired, curvy, right in my wheelhouse) but unless the stars align I have zero interest in sex with her or anyone else. On the very rare occasions that we do get into it, it's not particularly satisfying and my erection will go away in as little as 15-20 seconds if we pause for any reason. This has happened in previous relationships too.

No morning wood, or extremely rare. Not depressed, no real reason to be as I'm doing well professionally (business owner) and personally, in fact not really anything. No highs, no lows, just endless blah.

Time to fix all this!

I had some very comprehensive bloodwork done (LabCorp) with the following results:

Total Testosterone: 869 ng/dL - range 264-916
Free Testosterone (Direct): 11.3 pg/mL - range 6.8-21.5
Estradiol (Sensitive): 36.3 pg/mL - range 8.0-35.0 - HIGH
DHT: 78 ng/dL - no range given
SHBG: 83.8 nmol/L - range 16.5-55.9 - HIGH
Albumin: 4.5 g/dL - range 4.0-5.0
LH: 14.2 mIU/mL - range 1.7-8.6 - HIGH
Prolactin: 10.7 ng/mL - range 4.0-15.2
IGF-1: 156 ng/mL - range 67-205


TSH: 0.895 uIU/mL - range 0.450-4.500
Reverse T3: 15.8 ng/dL - range 9.2-24.1
Free T4 (Direct): 1.38 ng/dL - range 0.82-1.77
Free T3: 3.4 pg/mL - range 2.0-4.4


TIBC: 286 ug/dL - range 250-450
UIBC: 124 ug/dL - range 111-343
Iron: 162 ug/dL - range 38-169
Iron Saturation: 57% - range 15-55 - HIGH
Ferritin: 124 ng/mL - range 30-400


Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy: 49.2 ng/mL - range 30.0-100.0
Vitamin B12: 351 pg/mL - range 232-1245
Folate: 5.9 ng/mL - range > 3.0
Total Cholesterol: 180 mg/dL - range 100-199
HDL: 48 mg/dL - range > 39.0
Triglycerides: 75 mg/dL - range 0-149
LDL: 117 mg/dL - range 0-99 - HIGH
Total / HDL Ratio: 3.8 - Below average risk

And for the sake of completeness, 6' 6" tall, 235lbs, lift and cardio 4-5x per week when the gym is allowed to be open, occasional glass of wine, smoke 10-12 per day.

Something that jumped out at me, hormones aside, was B12 at the low end of the range. I've been on PPIs (Esomeprazole Magnesium) for 15+ years so it makes sense given the now-known malabsorption issues. Working to wean myself off them, and in the meantime I started supplementing with a B12 complex. So far that has resulted in an occasional lifting of the fog for a few hours but nothing else. I know it will take time.

Now about those hormones...

Looks to my uneducated and untrained eye that the boys are giving it all they've got in response to the very high LH level, but it just isn't enough to overcome the SHBG. Actually that was a low SHBG reading for me, I've recorded > 115 in the past at LabCorp. Free T works out to about 1.3% and Tru-T to 23.97 ng/dL.

I've been offered TRT (Test + HCG) and in fact I've ordered the first round of supplies, but while I don't want to second guess the excellent doctor who I've been working with, I also don't want to commit to a lifetime of TRT if there's something else that I can try.

Any thoughts? Or should I just go ahead, try it, and let my symptoms be the guide?
Man I’d find out why your SHBG is so high and see if you can work to lower it to free up some T, before you go full on TRT
One doctor on here says he uses a SARM to lower SHBG, supposedly without HPTA suppression.

You can overcome the clomid elevation of shbg with some mg of ostarine, with an anabolic selective bonus effect, and no inhibition of htpa.
I often do this with my natty clients with fairly good results.
  1. Supplement with boron 5-10mg/day. Check serum zinc, magnesium and vitamin D.
  2. Supplement with DIM to improve estrogen metabolism / elimination which further lowers SHBG
Thank-you for all the replies. I'd love to get to the bottom of the high SHBG and fix this more naturally, and there are some good suggestions here.

I'd researched this when the results came back to try to find out the causes, and the primary ones seem to be liver disease (associated blood test results, below, indicate this is unlikely), hyperthyroidism (results presented in the original post don't show this), anorexia (ehhhh no LOL), Estrogen use (nope), and hypogonadism.

ALT: 26 IU/L - range 0-44
AST: 21 IU/L - range 0-40
ALP: 68 IU/L - range 39-117
Albumin: 4.5 g/dL - range 4.0-5.0
Bilirubin: 0.4 mg/dL - range 0.0-1.2

It's especially frustrating because I'm clearly able to produce decent levels of testosterone, and the very high LH level seems to suggest that my body knows it needs more to be available, but it's offset with the sky high SHBG.

  1. Supplement with boron 5-10mg/day. Check serum zinc, magnesium and vitamin D.
  2. Supplement with DIM to improve estrogen metabolism / elimination which further lowers SHBG

Vitamin D was checked and came back pretty good - I supplement with 5,000 iU daily:

Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy: 49.2 ng/mL - range 30.0-100.0

Zinc and Magnesium weren't checked, and unfortunately I can't order my own tests because RI is one of the nanny states that won't permit it. Apparently "my body, my choice" only applies to certain demographics. I will see if I can get my doctor to order those. They'd be of great interest as PPI use is associated with malabsorption of both. Actually a full vitamin and mineral workup may well be in order. The more I think about it, the more I wonder if the long-term PPI use is at the root of a lot of these issues.

I'm going to try Boron at 10-12 mg per day along with hopefully kicking the PPIs and getting Zinc / Magnesium checked.

Thanks again for all of the input!
Link broken. Where do you see that probiotics could lower shbg? All I can find are studies of probiotics raising SHBG significantly in women.
My thoughts were, his issues with malabsorption. If he cured his gut issues would it improve his shbg levels? I'm just wondering what effect it has on this shpg. Is there a problem with a leaky gut? Of course you would have to change your diet, start with giving up grains, also no searchy foods. Would probiotics and prebiotics help?
I would guess that not absorbing vitamins, minerals and nutrients from ur food is definitely the root cause. I’m a nurse, not that it matters really, imo, and statins and acid blockers are the 2 worst meds that any human can take, again imo. Would only suggest statins, as a short term bandaid, if u had a genetic disorder that warranted it, which is pretty rare from what I’ve seen. They both can absolutely wreck ur health. U’d have to put a gun to my head to get me to ingest either. And even then, I might just say pull the trigger. Obv joking, kind of lol. But u have to get off the PPI. Nothings going to resolve naturally until u do. Obv u know u need to quit smoking, But ur a big boy, u don’t need us to tell u that. And at 6’6”, ur definitely a big boy lol.

As far as what u should do, definitely drop the PPI. To get ur B12 up, I would suggest eating beef liver. If u can’t stand the taste, just take desiccated beef liver capsules. Liver is the 2nd highest source of b12 on the planet. Liver is basically nature’s mutlivitamin. It’s packed with basically everything u need, on top of a healthy diet. I eat actual liver right now, but for years I took this product. B12 was always at the top of the range. Best part is none of the vitamins and minerals are synthetic, and they’re all in the proper ratios nature intended. Unlike multivitamins.

Depending on ur HCT and HGB levels, assuming they’re not too low, I would donate blood. Ur iron levels look pretty good, on the higher end, but it’s ur ferritin that’s a little higher than I like to see it. Barely tho. I think experts recommend for males to have it in the high double digits. It may or may not make a difference, but having too much iron in the body is just as bad as having too little.

Are u planning on having children in the future? Because everyone is right, addressing the root cause of the issue is absolutely what u should do. But I’m also not against hopping on HRT to get ur life back in the meantime, especially at ur age. My testosterone was low due to an underlining reason, just like u. Not the same reason. Mine was most likely due to mold exposure. But total was around 600-700, which was great, but free T about where urs is. And I felt horrible. No sexual issues, but had all the other issues ur mentioning. I was 27 at the time. 33 now. Getting on HRT was probably the best thing I ever did in my life. I have zero regrets. I feel extremely lucky that I’ve been able to optimize my hormones at such a young age, and will have optimal hormones for the rest of my life, starting at age 27. I feel like it’s going to give me a huge advantage when it comes to longevity. But anyways, there’s a lot of debate on whether the free T direct test is useless or not. And I’m not here to argue with anyone over it, but ime, it correlates perfectly with how I’m feeling subjectively. So for me, it is absolutely not useless. When my free T was low like urs, I felt all the symptoms. When I got on HRT and got my free T up, again using free T direct, I felt a million times better. My free T direct results correlated perfectly with how I was feeling subjectively. Here are my labs while on no HRT. First 2 were before going on HRT, and the 3rd set of labs was after trying to restart myself with Clomid monotherapy for a few months.

Tru- t = 17.23 (16-31)
8-5-15 labs were while on this protocol:
Total T - 584 (348-1197 ng/dL)
Free T - 7.3 (9.3-26.5)
SHBG - 57.1 ( 16.5 - 55.9).
E2 NOT sensitive - 14.6 (7.6-42.6)
LH - 3.5 (1.7-8.6)
FSH - 2.3 (1.5-12.4)
TSH - 1.2 (0.450-4.500)
T4 free - 1.15 (0.82-1.77)
T3 free 3.4 ( 2.0-4.4)
DHEA-S 486.0 (138.5-475.2)

Tru- t = 22.44 (16-31)
11-2-15 labs were while on this protocol:
Total T - 691 (250-1100 ng/dL)
Free T - 73.9 (46.0-224.0)
Bio T - 161.6 (110.0-575.0 ng/dL)
SHBG 45 (10-50)
E2 Sensitive- 25
IGF 1 - 294 (63-373)
DHEA-S - 411 (106-464)
Albumin - 4.7 (3.6-5.1)
EST bio 310

Tru - t = 18.25 (16-31)
8-31-16 labs were while on this protocol:
Total T - 601 (250-1100 ng/dL)
Free T - 54.3 (46.0-224.0)
Bio T - 116.4 (110.0-575.0 ng/dL)
SHBG 53 (10-50)
E2 NOT Sensitive - 23
IGF 1 - 204 (53-331)
DHEA, LC/MS/MS 324 (61-1636)
B12 - 1434 (200-1100)

I’m not suggesting u do this, this is only what I would do if I were in ur position. I would personally go on HRT. At ur age, I personally feel like it’s a no brainer to go on HRT, get ur life back, and still obv work on the underlying cause to ur issues. Which imo, is the malabsorption of vitamins, minerals and nutrients from ur food, secondary to long term PPI use.
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I would guess that not absorbing vitamins, minerals and nutrients from ur food is definitely the root cause. I’m a nurse, not that it matters really, imo, and statins and acid blockers are the 2 worst meds that any human can take, again imo. Would only suggest statins, as a short term bandaid, if u had a genetic disorder that warranted it, which is pretty rare from what I’ve seen. They both can absolutely wreck ur health. U’d have to put a gun to my head to get me to ingest either. And even then, I might just say pull the trigger. Obv joking, kind of lol. But u have to get off the PPI. Nothings going to resolve naturally until u do. Obv u know u need to quit smoking, But ur a big boy, u don’t need us to tell u that. And at 6’6”, ur definitely a big boy lol.

As far as what u should do, definitely drop the PPI. To get ur B12 up, I would suggest eating beef liver. If u can’t stand the taste, just take desiccated beef liver capsules. Liver is the 2nd highest source of b12 on the planet. Liver is basically nature’s mutlivitamin. It’s packed with basically everything u need, on top of a healthy diet. I eat actual liver right now, but for years I took this product. B12 was always at the top of the range. Best part is none of the vitamins and minerals are synthetic, and they’re all in the proper ratios nature intended. Unlike multivitamins.

Depending on ur HCT and HGB levels, assuming they’re not too low, I would donate blood. Ur iron levels look pretty good, on the higher end, but it’s ur ferritin that’s a little higher than I like to see it. Barely tho. I think experts recommend for males to have it in the high double digits. It may or may not make a difference, but having too much iron in the body is just as bad as having too little.

Are u planning on having children in the future? Because everyone is right, addressing the root cause of the issue is absolutely what u should do. But I’m also not against hopping on HRT to get ur life back in the meantime, especially at ur age. My testosterone was low due to an underlining reason, just like u. Not the same reason. Mine was most likely due to mold exposure. But total was around 600-700, which was great, but free T about where urs is. And I felt horrible. No sexual issues, but had all the other issues ur mentioning. I was 27 at the time. 33 now. Getting on HRT was probably the best thing I ever did in my life. I have zero regrets. I feel extremely lucky that I’ve been able to optimize my hormones at such a young age, and will have optimal hormones for the rest of my life, starting at age 27. I feel like it’s going to give me a huge advantage when it comes to longevity. But anyways, there’s a lot of debate on whether the free T direct test is useless or not. And I’m not here to argue with anyone over it, but ime, it correlates perfectly with how I’m feeling subjectively. So for me, it is absolutely not useless. When my free T was low like urs, I felt all the symptoms. When I got on HRT and got my free T up, again using free T direct, I felt a million times better. My free T direct results correlated perfectly with how I was feeling subjectively. Here are my labs while on no HRT. First 2 were before going on HRT, and the 3rd set of labs was after trying to restart myself with Clomid monotherapy for a few months.

Tru- t = 17.23 (16-31)
8-5-15 labs were while on this protocol:
Total T - 584 (348-1197 ng/dL)
Free T - 7.3 (9.3-26.5)
SHBG - 57.1 ( 16.5 - 55.9).
E2 NOT sensitive - 14.6 (7.6-42.6)
LH - 3.5 (1.7-8.6)
FSH - 2.3 (1.5-12.4)
TSH - 1.2 (0.450-4.500)
T4 free - 1.15 (0.82-1.77)
T3 free 3.4 ( 2.0-4.4)
DHEA-S 486.0 (138.5-475.2)

Tru- t = 22.44 (16-31)
11-2-15 labs were while on this protocol:
Total T - 691 (250-1100 ng/dL)
Free T - 73.9 (46.0-224.0)
Bio T - 161.6 (110.0-575.0 ng/dL)
SHBG 45 (10-50)
E2 Sensitive- 25
IGF 1 - 294 (63-373)
DHEA-S - 411 (106-464)
Albumin - 4.7 (3.6-5.1)
EST bio 310

Tru - t = 18.25 (16-31)
8-31-16 labs were while on this protocol:
Total T - 601 (250-1100 ng/dL)
Free T - 54.3 (46.0-224.0)
Bio T - 116.4 (110.0-575.0 ng/dL)
SHBG 53 (10-50)
E2 NOT Sensitive - 23
IGF 1 - 204 (53-331)
DHEA, LC/MS/MS 324 (61-1636)
B12 - 1434 (200-1100)

I’m not suggesting u do this, this is only what I would do if I were in ur position. I would personally go on HRT. At ur age, I personally feel like it’s a no brainer to go on HRT, get ur life back, and still obv work on the underlying cause to ur issues. Which imo, is the malabsorption of vitamins, minerals and nutrients from ur food, secondary to long term PPI use.

Unbelievably helpful post. Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you.

I'm addressing the PPI use starting today, hoping to go day on / day off for a couple of weeks, then day on / 2 off and so on. I'm also going to add Kefir to my diet to (hopefully) help undo some of the damage. I absolutely love liver and onions so no persuasion needed there!

Unfortunately blood donation isn't an option unless prescribed as I lived in the U.K. during the mad cow scare. Lifetime ban. I'll watch the HCT and Iron levels and see if I can get therapeutic donations approved if needed.

No plans for kids, at age 46 that ship has long since sailed. I like your thinking on this. Get both. Not feeling like crap all the time will be immensely helpful when addressing the underlying issues.

Thank-you again!
Unbelievably helpful post. Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you.

I'm addressing the PPI use starting today, hoping to go day on / day off for a couple of weeks, then day on / 2 off and so on. I'm also going to add Kefir to my diet to (hopefully) help undo some of the damage. I absolutely love liver and onions so no persuasion needed there!

Unfortunately blood donation isn't an option unless prescribed as I lived in the U.K. during the mad cow scare. Lifetime ban. I'll watch the HCT and Iron levels and see if I can get therapeutic donations approved if needed.

No plans for kids, at age 46 that ship has long since sailed. I like your thinking on this. Get both. Not feeling like crap all the time will be immensely helpful when addressing the underlying issues.

Thank-you again!

Exactly. When my low T symptoms were hitting me the worst, I was a lump on a log. Lost my gf at the time because I just had such brad brain fog, I didn’t want to do anything, I just didn’t have the mental energy to give her what she needed. I was just a shell of my usual self. Getting on HRT solved all those issues. The only symptom I still have is brain fog. But I’ve only recently gotten out of the moldy house as of the end of last year, and from what I’ve read, healing from mold exposure can take a long time. So unfortunately, I think it’s going to take some time for my body to full heal from the 5-6 years of being exposed.

Serendipitously, I literally just watched a video all about iron. I’m always on YouTube watching videos from the channels i’m subscribed to, and this was just a video this channel put out today, and I watched it real quick. He says that some of his thyroid patients need ferritin over 100 to see symptom resolution, so I actually wouldn’t even worry about ur ferritin and iron levels. I’ve heard other experts recommend high double digits for ferritin, but ur level probably has little to do with what’s going on, and addressing it doesn’t seem like a priority. So I wouldn’t even spend time worrying about it right now. Obv u have other priorities to address.

That’s awesome that u like liver and onions. Honestly, liver is growing on me. And I tried kidney recently, and it makes liver taste like filet mignon lol. After eating kidney, I can take down liver no prob. Just picked up some beef heart yesterday, and will be trying it in about an hour. Wish me luck lol

In regards to acid reflux, I’ve been researching the carnivore diet for probably the past 4-5 months, and have been doing mainly carnivore, with some white rice and select fruits, for about 1.5 months now. I can’t tell u how many anecdotes I’ve read about people’s chronic acid reflux or bowel issues completely resolving on carnivore. It has to do mostly with oxalates and other plant chemicals/ defense mechanisms, that wreak havoc on our digestive tracts, and bodies overall, from my understanding. Not trying to tell anyone how to eat or live their life, just throwing it out there so ur at least aware, and u can check it out, or not, if ur interested.
So here’s another serendipitous article that I just came across. I swear I’m not seeking these out for ur benefit lol. I was actually just researching if coconut oil is recommended on carnivore. I like to use it to keep my rice from sticking when I cook it. This article was on the first page of results, and I ended up checking it out real quick. At the bottom of the article, they report some of their results, and one of them was resolution of chronic acid reflux issues. I snapshotted it, but lately uploading pics here hasn’t been working for me. So here’s the link to the article, or blog post, whatever u want to call it.


  • D8D4E074-100B-402A-987A-1DAF11E398FD.webp
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  • 7787CC64-8664-47F2-9871-F5589DD80B48.webp
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Lots of good replies already. My few cents is not to just “try” TRT to see how it goes. TRT is a serious decision and there probably other things to explore with less cost, health risks and long term commitment that may address the actual issues you report, which low T doesn’t seem to be one of them.

Very interested to see your decisions and where this takes you In addressing your issues.
Some progress to report: day 3 without the PPIs that I've been on for 15+ years. I'm using a product called Acid Soothe by Enzymedica (not sure of the policy on linking to products) which is a combination of enzymes and botanicals. So far so good, taking one after every meal and no major flare-ups of heartburn yet. Hopefully it's enough to see me through the rebound phase. I don't feel any different, but I wouldn't expect to.
Further update:

Day 5 without PPIs and the Acid Soothe product is still keeping my reflux / heartburn under control. Nervous what will happen when/if I hit the rebound phase, but for now I'm feeling pretty good about the prospects of getting off them completely. I was expecting to have to step down, but giving up coffee (ugh!) and a few other dietary modifications seem to have things going well to this point. Oddly enough the only problem that I've had was after having oatmeal for breakfast. It's supposed to be a GERD friendly food, but not for me it seems!

I also decided to start TRT after giving it a lot of thought. Thursday was a terrible day in terms of fog / fatigue / libido. Friday was worse. When it's to the point that it's affecting my ability to run my businesses, as well as jeopardizing a promising new relationship, enough is enough.

Started yesterday morning with 3 clicks (3/4ml total) of 200mg cream from Empower. 1 click applied to the scrotum, 2 to the backs of my knees, all after my 6am shower. I wasn't expecting much if anything from day 1 so I don't think this is placebo, but by around 10am I became "aware" of my genital region if that makes sense. Not long after that I noticed that I didn't feel foggy. By lunchtime I was feeling great for the first time in...I'm not even sure when I last felt that good. Felt very tired by 7pm but that's not unusual since I'm up at 5am every day.

Applied 3 clicks today using the tops of my feet for the 2 non-scrotum clicks. Also injected 400iU of HCG (protocol is 400iU twice per week). We'll see how today goes.
Further update:

Day 5 without PPIs and the Acid Soothe product is still keeping my reflux / heartburn under control. Nervous what will happen when/if I hit the rebound phase, but for now I'm feeling pretty good about the prospects of getting off them completely. I was expecting to have to step down, but giving up coffee (ugh!) and a few other dietary modifications seem to have things going well to this point. Oddly enough the only problem that I've had was after having oatmeal for breakfast. It's supposed to be a GERD friendly food, but not for me it seems!

I also decided to start TRT after giving it a lot of thought. Thursday was a terrible day in terms of fog / fatigue / libido. Friday was worse. When it's to the point that it's affecting my ability to run my businesses, as well as jeopardizing a promising new relationship, enough is enough.

Started yesterday morning with 3 clicks (3/4ml total) of 200mg cream from Empower. 1 click applied to the scrotum, 2 to the backs of my knees, all after my 6am shower. I wasn't expecting much if anything from day 1 so I don't think this is placebo, but by around 10am I became "aware" of my genital region if that makes sense. Not long after that I noticed that I didn't feel foggy. By lunchtime I was feeling great for the first time in...I'm not even sure when I last felt that good. Felt very tired by 7pm but that's not unusual since I'm up at 5am every day.

Applied 3 clicks today using the tops of my feet for the 2 non-scrotum clicks. Also injected 400iU of HCG (protocol is 400iU twice per week). We'll see how today goes.

Glad u decided to take a chance and start TRT. Really looking forward to seeing how u do. Why are u not applying it all to ur scrotum? And why not apply twice per day to avoid any dip in the afternoon? Here’s all my labs on creams and different application sites. Maybe it will help u out on ur journey. I was also using empowers cream. And didn’t want to apply it all to myself scrotum because I was a little hesitant about sky rocketing my DHT

3 clicks back of knees am, 3 clicks inner forearms pm. (50mg/ click)
Labs done 5 hours after am application
Total T - 817 ng/dl (264-916)
Free T - 19.9 pg/ml (8.7-25.1)

2 clicks to scrotum, 1 click to back of knees am, 3 clicks to forearms in pm.
Labs done 3 hours after am application
Total T - 1428 ng/dl (264-916)
Free T - 31.5 pg/ml (8.7-25.1)

2 clicks to scrotum, 1 click to back of knees am, 1 click to scrotum, 2 clicks to forearms pm
Labs done 2.5 hours after am application
Total T - >1500 ng/dl (264-916)
Free T - 34.4 pg/ml (8.7-25.1)

11-16-19 (came back 7:30pm mon)
3 clicks to scrotum am, 3 clicks to scrotum pm
Labs done 3.5 hours after am application
Total T - >1500 ng/dl (264-916)
Free T - 38.1 pg/ml (8.7-25.1)

11-30-19 LABCORP
3 clicks to scrotum am, 1 click to scrotum, 2 clicks to forearms pm
Labs done 3.5 hours after am application
Total T - >1500 ng/dl (264-916)
Free T - 45.0 pg/ml (8.7-25.1)

Total T - 1680 (250-1100 ng/dL)
Free T - 398.2 (46.0-224.0)
SHBG - 33 (10-50)
E2 Sensitive - 79
E2 NOT Sensitive - 88
E2 Free - 2.49 (<0.45) (0.2-1.5)
DHT - 311 (16-79)
IGF-1 - 223 (took 100mcg/100mcg Ipamorelin/ CJC-1295 before bed night before.
DHEA-S - 616 (106-464)
Progesterone - 0.8 (<1.4)
Prolactin - 10.5 (2.0-18.0ng/ml)
HGB - 17.4 (13.2-17.1g/dl)
HCT - 52.4 (38.5-50.0%)
Vitamin D - 40 (30-100ng/ml)
B12 - 964 (200-1100) 6

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