Would you think 100-200mcg biotin to cause an issue in blood tests?Biotin interference with lab tests
Biotin interference Underrecognized patient safety risk in laboratory testing In Western populations, dietary biotin intake is estimated to be 35 to 70 µg daily, a level in line with the recommended dietary allowance. Most multivitamin pills contain about 30 µg of biotin. High-dose...www.excelmale.com
Sense and nonsense concerning biotin interference in laboratory tests
Sense and nonsense concerning biotin interference in laboratory tests (2020) Alena Moerman & Joris R. Delanghe ABSTRACT Introduction: Biotin supplementation (mainly OTC preparations) has gained popularity. There are concerns about biotin interference in immunoassays and potential...www.excelmale.com
Testosterone Deficiency in Men
Optimizing Diagnostic Accuracy and Treatment Decisions in Men With Testosterone Deficiency (2021) Shalender Bhasin, MB, BS *, Noelle Ozimek, MSc Abstract Objective: This narrative review offers a guideline-based approach for optimizing diagnostic evaluation and treatment decision-making in...www.excelmale.com
*Biotin supplements can interfere with some LH and FSH assays; therefore, these supplements should be stopped at least 3 days before the blood test depending on how much biotin the patient is taking
Looks like what I'm taking then shouldn't matter if I just skip it for one day.
Biotin Interference in Diagnostic Tests
Despite sobering evidence of no benefit or even possible harm, the use of vitamin and mineral supplements by adults continues to grow. It is estimated thatacademic.oup.com
Looks like what I'm taking then shouldn't matter if I just skip it for one day.
Would you think 100-200mcg biotin to cause an issue in blood tests?