New Member
Hi guys, i am new here. I am a young man in his 20's and i have primary hypogonadism induced by a long steroids cycle without the use of HCG.
In fact, 5 years ago, i did a Blast and Cruise for 1 year straight. I only used testosterone cypionate at 700mg/week during blast and 200mg/week during cruise, and nothing else. I did not use any HCG during 1 year, which gave me testicular atrophy but i did not care because everyone told me the balls will come back during PCT. But they didn't.
My LH and FSH returned normal very fast when i stopped taking testosterone but my testicles didn't responded. I am now stuck with a very low testosterone level in despite of high LH and FSH.
This is my bloodwork before the B&C:
Testosterone : 650ng/dl
LH: 3.5 mUI/L
FSH: 3.6 mUI/L
This is my last bloodwork 4 years after stopping the cycle :
Testosterone: 200ng/dl
LH: around 10mUI/L
FSH: around 10mUI/L
I did a lot of bloodwork after coming off testostrrone and it's always the same thing, similar to the one above : very low testosterone with high LH and FSH.
I read a few guys having a similar case than mine. They did not used HCG for a long time and it caused leydig cells death or desensitization. I think it's what happened to me. I almost do not respond to clomid or high HCG doses either. Clomid for a few weeks increased my testosterone around 300ng/dl with very high LH.
I think my leydig cells are partially dead.
My balls was normal in size before, i would say around 25ml each. Now the volume is only 10ml each. Very embarrassing. Extremely smalls. Also, my semen is almost completely watery. I am now infertile with a sperm count of around 10 millions per ml.
Any ideas? Thank you
In fact, 5 years ago, i did a Blast and Cruise for 1 year straight. I only used testosterone cypionate at 700mg/week during blast and 200mg/week during cruise, and nothing else. I did not use any HCG during 1 year, which gave me testicular atrophy but i did not care because everyone told me the balls will come back during PCT. But they didn't.
My LH and FSH returned normal very fast when i stopped taking testosterone but my testicles didn't responded. I am now stuck with a very low testosterone level in despite of high LH and FSH.
This is my bloodwork before the B&C:
Testosterone : 650ng/dl
LH: 3.5 mUI/L
FSH: 3.6 mUI/L
This is my last bloodwork 4 years after stopping the cycle :
Testosterone: 200ng/dl
LH: around 10mUI/L
FSH: around 10mUI/L
I did a lot of bloodwork after coming off testostrrone and it's always the same thing, similar to the one above : very low testosterone with high LH and FSH.
I read a few guys having a similar case than mine. They did not used HCG for a long time and it caused leydig cells death or desensitization. I think it's what happened to me. I almost do not respond to clomid or high HCG doses either. Clomid for a few weeks increased my testosterone around 300ng/dl with very high LH.
I think my leydig cells are partially dead.
My balls was normal in size before, i would say around 25ml each. Now the volume is only 10ml each. Very embarrassing. Extremely smalls. Also, my semen is almost completely watery. I am now infertile with a sperm count of around 10 millions per ml.
Any ideas? Thank you