I Have a prolactinoma


Active Member
I recently had an mri because of an elevated prolactin level on blood work. There is a small mass on my pituitary gland. Im bringing this up on this forum because over the last few years there has been a backlash against ai's. There actually is some research showing elevated estrogen causing hyperprolactinemia. I also saw some case reports of men with prolactinomas who started trt but had to stop because prolactin levels increased alot. When I started trt I used arimidex but I stopped because it negatively effected my sex drive. The last few years I havent used any ai's. This past year I did two test only cycles. First cycle was 350 test for eight weeks. The second cycle was 500 test for eight weeks. The first cycle I used nolvadex 20 mg three times per week. The second cycle I used arimidex .25mg twice per week. Im wondering if my lack of estrgen control during these cycles played any role in my prolactinoma development? I know ill never find the answer to that question. Looking forward should I be using an ai with my trt? I know my GP will want me to stop trt. My trt is prescribed through defy. Im worried that if i stop my body wont have any chance to recover because the elevated prolactin will stop my natural testosterone production.
I recently had an mri because of an elevated prolactin level on blood work. There is a small mass on my pituitary gland. Im bringing this up on this forum because over the last few years there has been a backlash against ai's. There actually is some research showing elevated estrogen causing hyperprolactinemia. I also saw some case reports of men with prolactinomas who started trt but had to stop because prolactin levels increased alot. When I started trt I used arimidex but I stopped because it negatively effected my sex drive. The last few years I havent used any ai's. This past year I did two test only cycles. First cycle was 350 test for eight weeks. The second cycle was 500 test for eight weeks. The first cycle I used nolvadex 20 mg three times per week. The second cycle I used arimidex .25mg twice per week. Im wondering if my lack of estrgen control during these cycles played any role in my prolactinoma development? I know ill never find the answer to that question. Looking forward should I be using an ai with my trt? I know my GP will want me to stop trt. My trt is prescribed through defy. Im worried that if i stop my body wont have any chance to recover because the elevated prolactin will stop my natural testosterone production.

Real classy airing this out on here!

Have some sense in your head this is a men's health/trt forum.
The prolactinoma came after doing the cycles. I’m positive because I had a cat scan done a few years prior to the cycles and there was nothing found on the scan. I also have ran prolactin blood work throughout the years and it’s never been out of range. I’ve been on trt for over 7 years.
Real classy airing this out on here!

Have some sense in your head this is a men's health/trt forum.
And my issue isn’t a “men’s health” topic? I can share my experience with this forum. Prolactinomas do have a relationship with estrogen. I’ve never heard anyone talk about this before. I’m sure many men on this forum don’t know anything about prolactin or pituitary tumors.
And my issue isn’t a “men’s health” topic? I can share my experience with this forum. Prolactinomas do have a relationship with estrogen. I’ve never heard anyone talk about this before. I’m sure many men on this forum don’t know anything about prolactin or pituitary tumors.

Of course, you can but stating that you are blasting/cruising while on trt which is prescribed through Defy is pure stupidity.

This is a trt/hrt forum and blasting/cruising plays absolutely no part in such.

There are numerous steroid forums littered on the internet that cater to the use/abuse of testosterone/AAS regarding blasting/cruising, cycling.

Your situation relates to such.

As you know the purpose of trt is to relieve/improve symptoms of low testosterone and improve one's overall well-being while preventing/minimizing any potential side-effects.

Most men are looking for improvements in mood, energy, libido, erectile function, body composition changes (muscle/fat loss), strength/recovery.

Blasting/cruising, cycling has absolutely nothing to do with anything relating to trt other than those seeking enhancement to gain muscle mass/strength which could never be attained on trt doses.

You have been on here long enough to know better.
Of course, you can but stating that you are blasting/cruising while on trt which is prescribed through Defy is pure stupidity.

This is a trt/hrt forum and blasting/cruising plays absolutely no part in such.

There are numerous steroid forums littered on the internet that cater to the use/abuse of testosterone/AAS regarding blasting/cruising, cycling.

Your situation relates to such.

As you know the purpose of trt is to relieve/improve symptoms of low testosterone and improve one's overall well-being while preventing/minimizing any potential side-effects.

Most men are looking for improvements in mood, energy, libido, erectile function, body composition changes (muscle/fat loss), strength/recovery.

Blasting/cruising, cycling has absolutely nothing to do with anything relating to trt other than those seeking enhancement to gain muscle mass/strength which could never be attained on trt doses.

You have been on here long enough to know better.
My intention was not to make this post about blasting and cruising. I thought it would be important to disclose everything that Ive done in the last year in regards to my hormones. I am not looking for advice on cycles or blasting. My point is that there are some doctors and people who are pushing the higher estradiol is better for overall health but in my case I believe higher estradiol could have played a role in me developing a prolactinoma. I also wanted to here from any others members who have had a prolactinoma and have also used trt. Defy medical did not prescribe any blasting/ cruising or high dose testosterone. I am not blaming Defy medical for my prolactinoma.
My intention was not to make this post about blasting and cruising. I thought it would be important to disclose everything that Ive done in the last year in regards to my hormones. I am not looking for advice on cycles or blasting. My point is that there are some doctors and people who are pushing the higher estradiol is better for overall health but in my case I believe higher estradiol could have played a role in me developing a prolactinoma. I also wanted to here from any others members who have had a prolactinoma and have also used trt. Defy medical did not prescribe any blasting/ cruising or high dose testosterone. I am not blaming Defy medical for my prolactinoma.
Real classy airing this out on here!

Have some sense in your head this is a men's health/trt forum.


It is on you for choosing to blast/cruise and if anything there was no need to state that your trt is prescribed through Defy.

Again we are on trt here and you are being treated by a very reputable clinic that many on here use.

Looks bad, to say the least.
Today I had an appointment with an endocrinologist. We decided that I should stop taking testosterone cyptionate and draw blood in 3 months to see where my natural levels are at. We will also test prolactin in 3 months and if levels have increased i will probably start taking cabergoline. So essentially we are trying to determine if high prolactin is being caused by the microadenoma or being caused by trt. I am not going to take any pct medications to restart my hpta. Just going to let mother nature do its thing.
Was your TT good before you started TRT? This sounds like a recipe for disaster, since you said your PRL didn’t go high until after your cycles, not while on TRT.

Why not stay on TRT dose, check PRL monthly for 3 months, and add in Caber if prolactin stays elevated? I mean you don’t want to wreck your hormones just to see if PRL goes down while not on TRT, right?
Real classy airing this out on here!

Have some sense in your head this is a men's health/trt forum.

There are numerous steroid forums littered on the internet that cater to the use/abuse of testosterone/AAS regarding blasting/cruising, cycling.

Your situation relates to such.

Get lost. The past is in the past. He's not currently doing a blast or planning a blast or asking for advice on blasting.

He wants advice on a prolactinoma. Lets assume it was caused by the blast (which it probably wasn't). So what? Are we only supposed to give remedies to "naturally" occurring prolactinomas here? Is the OP not entitled to seek help from those on this forum, having given up his sins?

You statement is analogous to confining a addict who wishes to rehabilitate himself to only seek help from other addicts. Absurd.
We will also test prolactin in 3 months. I am not going to take any pct medications to restart my hpta. Just going to let mother nature do its thing.

You will probably need a lot more than 3 months brother, to restart a HPTA and regain pre TRT levels without a PCT. Levels are most likely going to come back low making you a candidate for TRT, whereas waiting 6-12 months OR doing a PCT and waiting 2 months thereafter may paint a different picture.
Get lost. The past is in the past. He's not currently doing a blast or planning a blast or asking for advice on blasting.

He wants advice on a prolactinoma. Lets assume it was caused by the blast (which it probably wasn't). So what? Are we only supposed to give remedies to "naturally" occurring prolactinomas here? Is the OP not entitled to seek help from those on this forum, having given up his sins?

You statement is analogous to confining a addict who wishes to rehabilitate himself to only seek help from other addicts. Absurd.

Thursday at 6:44 AM
The prolactinoma came after doing the cycles. I’m positive because I had a cat scan done a few years prior to the cycles and there was nothing found on the scan. I also have ran prolactin blood work throughout the years and it’s never been out of range. I’ve been on trt for over 7 years.

Did this go over your head you missed the point.....Of course, you can but stating that you are blasting/cruising while on trt which is prescribed through Defy is pure stupidity?
That was then and now is now. That's not the subject of this thread, nor am i seeking assistance and so they have not been posted yet. Of course knowing you, you will now throw a tantrum insisting that I post them, and then thereafter probably call the results fake.

As others have mentioned in previous posts (since you love previous posts) you have ZERO communication skills.

I highly suggest Dale Carnegie course.
That was then and now is now. That's not the subject of this thread, nor am i seeking assistance and so they have not been posted yet. Of course knowing you, you will now throw a tantrum insisting that I post them, and then thereafter probably call the results fake.

As others have mentioned in previous posts (since you love previous posts) you have ZERO communication skills.

I highly suggest Dale Carnegie course.

Back to the herd, move on son!
Was your TT good before you started TRT? This sounds like a recipe for disaster, since you said your PRL didn’t go high until after your cycles, not while on TRT.

Why not stay on TRT dose, check PRL monthly for 3 months, and add in Caber if prolactin stays elevated? I mean you don’t want to wreck your hormones just to see if PRL goes down while not on TRT, right?
My test level before trt was 500ng/dl. Staying on trt is probably the right choice but I do feel some guilt about messing around with my hormones in the first place. Stopping trt wont be easy but maybe my body will bounce back. The only way to know is try. I will mention that over the last month my sex drive has been very low despite being on trt. I thought this was due to life stress but now I believe the high prolactin is causing low sex drive.
Hyperprolactinemia and sexual function in men: a short review

International Journal of Impotence Research volume 15, pages373–377(2003)

"In some cases, hypogonadism persists despite return to a normal PRL level, due to definitive interruption of the hypothalamic-pituitary connections or destruction of the pituitary gonadotrophs by the pituitary tumor or its surgical removal. Such patients require testosterone substitution in addition to dopamine-agonist therapy. However, testosterone administration may stimulate the growth of a pituitary tumor through its aromatization into estradiol if HPRL is not completely controlled by dopamine-agonist therapy."

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