Huberman Podcast - Use TRT with Prolactin mitigation, stopping AIs, and Importance of Estrogen and the Brain

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He suggests to control Prolactin versus using AI’s to control estrogen

Stresses how important Estrogen in the Brain is for vascularization

@Nelson Vergel

any thoughts here?

I’ve been using TRT x 3 years and notice a my memory is not as good as before - could it be the estrogen inhibition ?
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Thanks for sharing. I watched the episode of Rogan’s podcast he was on earlier this week but haven’t watched this one yet. Plan to start chipping away at it soon though. Does he give specific tips on how to lower prolactin, and if so what does he suggest?

Your TRT should increase estrogen, not inhibit it. Unless you use an AI and just didn’t mention that part.
Thanks for sharing. I watched the episode of Rogan’s podcast he was on earlier this week but haven’t watched this one yet. Plan to start chipping away at it soon though. Does he give specific tips on how to lower prolactin, and if so what does he suggest?

Your TRT should increase estrogen, not inhibit it. Unless you use an AI and just didn’t mention that part.
Yes apologies for not being more specific

using 0.50mg Anastrazole with 140 mg TE once a week. No mention on how to control Prolactin though someone here may know more
Interesting. My Prolactin levels doubled since starting TRT about 3 years ago from approx 5 to anywhere from 8-12 [labcorp range of 4 - 15]. I have noticed my memory is not what it used to be.
Interesting. My Prolactin levels doubled since starting TRT about 3 years ago from approx 5 to anywhere from 8-12 [labcorp range of 4 - 15]. I have noticed my memory is not what it used to be.
I measured my prolactin before my weekly injection it was a bit higher than the high reference.
So started taking it caber this week. If libido came back that would end my two years experiments searching for libido (Normal libido) I believe it could be the reason I guess when I inject it will be even higher a guy here mentioned he felt good when it was in the middle of the reference range.
Interesting. My Prolactin levels doubled since starting TRT about 3 years ago from approx 5 to anywhere from 8-12 [labcorp range of 4 - 15]. I have noticed my memory is not what it used to be.
That’s not a big increase. Not enough to cause any issues.people with high prolactin have necrosis way higher. Even triple digits.
Do not use cabergoline, use vit b6 p5p - it effectivly lower prolactin level.
Prolactin in the morning and after ejaculate is naturaly higher, so count with it in bloodwork..
Do not use cabergoline, use vit b6 p5p - it effectivly lower prolactin level.
Prolactin in the morning and after ejaculate is naturaly higher, so count with it in bloodwork..
Other members said vit b6 didn’t lower prolactin, have you tried it ? What is your protocol and what’s wrong with caber ?
Other members said vit b6 didn’t lower prolactin, have you tried it ? What is your protocol and what’s wrong with caber ?
A guy I talk to from a TRT fb group lowered his prolactin from 22.8 to 10.7 in 3 months, using 50mg of P5P, and then in another 7 months his prolactin came back at 6.4. Everything else in his protocol remained unchanged. He showed me his labs and everything. I have them saved if anyone wants to see them. Obv this is only one guy’s experience, but if it worked for him, what’s to say it can’t work for someone else. And I’ve heard a ton of anecdotes where guys used P5P and successfully lowered their prolactin levels.

And as far as issues with caber, I believe there’s some pretty serious heart issues that can result from taking it long term. I could be wrong on that tho. I researched it for a bit, and I remembered being worried about heart issues while using it for extended periods of time. And I don’t cycle anything, so anything I add to my protocol, and ends up giving me benefits, I keep in the protocol indefinitely. So it just worried me. Seems like for guys on TRT doses P5P should be enough to do the trick. I’m also taking vitamin E, because I heard that it can also lower prolactin.
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A guy I talk to from a TRT fb group lowered his prolactin from 22.8 to 10.7 in 3 months, using 50mg of P5P, and then in another 7 months his prolactin came back at 6.4. Everything else in his protocol remained unchanged. He showed me his labs and everything. I have them saved if anyone wants to see them. Obv this is only one guy’s experience, but if it worked for him, what’s to say it can’t work for someone else. And I’ve heard a ton of anecdotes where guys used P5P and successfully lowered their prolactin levels.

And as far as issues with caber, I believe there’s some pretty serious heart issues that can result from taking it long term. I could be wrong on that tho. I researched it for a bit, and I remembered being worried about heart issues while using it for extended periods of time. And I don’t cycle anything, so anything I add to my protocol, and ends up giving me benefits, I keep in the protocol indefinitely. So it just worried me. Seems like for guys on TRT doses P5P should be enough to do the trick. I’m also taking vitamin E, because I heard that it can also lower prolactin.
Will try that thanks, as for now will see if lowering prolactin help if so I will change to vit b6
Other members said vit b6 didn’t lower prolactin, have you tried it ? What is your protocol and what’s wrong with caber ?
It really does lower prolactin. Even guys on nor 19 (tren, deca) see effect..
I am on trt plus 100mg b6 daily - it has to be p5p version. Caber is very strong, I cant remember what side it exactly was, but it was from Leo Longevity and sounded really serious..
It really does lower prolactin. Even guys on nor 19 (tren, deca) see effect..
I am on trt plus 100mg b6 daily - it has to be p5p version. Caber is very strong, I cant remember what side it exactly was, but it was from Leo Longevity and sounded really serious..
What dose of P5P do u take?
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I dose 100mg ED, it keeps me low in ref. range.
How long have u been taking that dose?

What was ur prolactin before using it, and where is it currently? If u don’t have exact numbers it’s ok, jc where it was before, and curious how low in the reference range ur currently at using this dose

and any negative effects from using this dose that u’ve noticed? Any nerve issues like people report with higher doses?
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