I was able to summarize all available studies on testosterone blood levels and how they are linked to several health issues. I will add references soon.
Low Blood Levels of Testosterone and Associated Risks:
< 450 ng/dl (15.3 nmol/l) - Risk of metabolic syndrome
- Reference: Dhindsa, S., Miller, M. G., McWhirter, C. L., Mager, D. E., Ghanim, H., Chaudhuri, A., & Dandona, P. (2010). Testosterone concentrations in diabetic and nondiabetic obese men. Diabetes Care, 33(6), 1186-1192. PubMed
< 400 ng/dl (15.3 nmol/l) - Venous leakage (internal penile damage) risk
- Reference: Yassin, A. A., & Saad, F. (2017). Testosterone Deficiency and Testosterone Treatment in Older Men. Gerontology, 63(2), 144–156. PubMed
< 350 ng/dl (11.9 nmol/l) – All-cause death risk and anemia risk
- Reference: Khaw, K. T., Dowsett, M., Folkerd, E., Bingham, S., Wareham, N., Luben, R., ... & Day, N. (2007). Endogenous testosterone and mortality due to all causes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer in men. Circulation, 116(23), 2694-2701. PubMed
< 300 ng/dL (10.2 nmol/L) - Lowered libido, weight gain & Diabetes risk increased
- Reference: Traish, A. M., Saad, F., & Guay, A. (2009). The dark side of testosterone deficiency: I. Metabolic syndrome and erectile dysfunction. Journal of Andrology, 30(1), 10-22. PubMed
< 300 ng/dL (10.2 nmol/L) - Quartile risk of fractures (osteoporosis), memory-related issues & depression risk increases
- Reference: Orwoll, E., Lambert, L. C., Marshall, L. M., Phipps, K., Blank, J., Barrett-Connor, E., ... & Cummings, S. (2006). Testosterone and estradiol among older men. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 91(4), 1336-1344. PubMed
< 250 ng/dl (8.5 nmol/l) - Arterial plaque (arteriosclerosis) & sleep quality affected
- Reference: Vlachopoulos, C., Ioakeimidis, N., Miner, M., & Aggelis, A. (2014). Testosterone deficiency: a determinant of aortic stiffness in men. Atherosclerosis, 233(1), 278-283. PubMed
< 235 ng/dl (8.0 nmol/l) - Hardening of arteries (dialysis patients)
- Reference: Carrero, J. J., Qureshi, A. R., Parini, P., Arver, S., Lindholm, B., Bárány, P., ... & Stenvinkel, P. (2009). Low serum testosterone increases mortality risk among male dialysis patients. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 20(3), 613-620. PubMed
< 200 ng/dl (6.8 nmol/l) - Morning erections decrease
- Reference: O'Connor, D. B., Lee, D. M., Corona, G., Forti, G., Tajar, A., O'Neill, T. W., ... & EMAS Study Group. (2011). The relationships between sex hormones and sexual function in middle-aged and older European men. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 96(10), E1577-E1587. PubMed
< 150 ng/dl (5.1 nmol/l) - Increased inflammation (TNF-alpha)
- Reference: Malkin, C. J., Pugh, P. J., Jones, R. D., Kapoor, D., Channer, K. S., & Jones, T. H. (2004). The effect of testosterone replacement on endogenous inflammatory cytokines and lipid profiles in hypogonadal men. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 89(7), 3313-3318. PubMed
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