@readalot/I read an article several years ago about the 'Blue Zones where people live well into their 90's and even 100's. The article focused on the Greek island of Ikarias. Though the residents aren't pure vegetarians, their diet, according to the article, was mostly vegetarian;beans, vegetables, fruit, whole wheat flour. They also drank goat's milk, ate goat milk yogurt, made their own wine, drank herbal tea, daily. An epidemiologist interviewed several men in their late 80's into their 90's and she asked about sexual function. To a man, they all said they had regular sex(which could be weekly to twice a month, to monthly, IDK) and to her questioning, most of those men indicated, in their own way, that they were able to orgasm. Maybe with the men interviewed, it was more about the desire for their wives and vice versa, than about testosterone level. Being with someone who has physical desire I'd say is paramount. Nothing like being with a woman who could care less or tells you that.
Switching gears, I was reading patient reviews of Cialis and Vardanifil. One guy on the latter drug was 96! He said, paraphrasing, "I know I'm not going to around too much longer and I want to have some fun." Good for him! That's the absolutely right attitude. Some of us have wives who've given up on sex nor are they interested to have their hormones checked(my wife on both counts) but if I acquiesce to that attitude, that will shorten my life. I want to have my erections, even if my wife is no longer interested. It's about my emotional and physical well being. It's about being a man.