HCG best protocol: 500IU E3D or 250IU EoD?

Whats the best protocol for HCG? My doc prescribed 500IU E3D but the study below seems to suggest 250IU EoD is better:

It's different for everyone. I inject 500 IU of HCG twice a week, that dose works great for me. Some members use much less. I would start with 250 IU or even less twice a week and increase from there if necessary.
I prefer lower doses to higher ones. 300iu a week is enough to get my balls swinging. Plus this helps keep spikes down to a Estrogen spikes to a minimum.
how do you know its E2 doing that to you? I dont believe that E2 is the cause of anything anymore. Some say they get roid rage some say they get relaxed. Its just your body doing something. I let my E2 do its thing. Doesnt mean anything to me. Just make sure you have enough T
Sure, any effect or symptom is just a temporary shift in state until new homeostasis is reached. Naming it does not change that it is just another experience, but if you do not quantify or name your direct experience you will not be able to recognise or adjust your intervention and improve your condition. For this body there are very specific E2 symptoms which I address and adjust accordingly. Fatigue or being overly relaxed or emotional and moody are some of them as are knuckle pains and hand stiffness. interrestingly it is a U so it is on both sides of the balance.
Awareness with Non-Identification is a neccesity for optimisation.

Then what is enough T and when?
I do 250iu / 25units mon and thu. Been doing this for 2 years. Got a fertility test 2 weeks ago and I am fertile while in test cyp approx 130-150/ week. Trying to have a baby via IVF and I was kinda anxious wondering about my sperm count since I’ve been on TRT for 2 years plus and at 44 years old. I was glad to see that the HcG works for me.
Sure, any effect or symptom is just a temporary shift in state until new homeostasis is reached. Naming it does not change that it is just another experience, but if you do not quantify or name your direct experience you will not be able to recognise or adjust your intervention and improve your condition. For this body there are very specific E2 symptoms which I address and adjust accordingly. Fatigue or being overly relaxed or emotional and moody are some of them as are knuckle pains and hand stiffness. interrestingly it is a U so it is on both sides of the balance.
Awareness with Non-Identification is a neccesity for optimisation.

Then what is enough T and when?
Sounds like regular ole life to me. Moody or emotional because you feel sad during a sad scene in a movie just means youre human. Not because your E is too high. I got pissed that my burger had no pickles when I specifically asked for them. It doesnt mean my E is too high. As a matter of fact my knees were creaky and I was feeling moody because its a nice day out and I had to work instead of having fun. It doesnt mean my E was low and then too high. I can keep going. Lol. Just take your T and HCG without thinking too much. Let the program run in the background. My only adjustment will be to add more T in increments during protocol change, but only after labs.
Sounds like regular ole life to me. Moody or emotional because you feel sad during a sad scene in a movie just means youre human. Not because your E is too high. I got pissed that my burger had no pickles when I specifically asked for them. It doesnt mean my E is too high. As a matter of fact my knees were creaky and I was feeling moody because its a nice day out and I had to work instead of having fun. It doesnt mean my E was low and then too high. I can keep going. Lol. Just take your T and HCG without thinking too much. Let the program run in the background. My only adjustment will be to add more T in increments during protocol change, but only after labs.

Great for you, but no thinking or overthinking happening here. No external triggers where present at the time, or are needed to sense in what state the body/mind organism is in after an injection or protocol change how minute it may be.
To give you more context of were I am at and who I am would make this post way too long and for me to much work. You do not know my protocol nor where I am in my protocol.
What you are doing is not only rude but also ignorant, in short what I read you are saying: stop whining it is just life, take your tabs and stfu. This may come as a shock to you but some people are more aware to what is happening, or to the changes the body/mind organism is going through then others.
I have read some of your other posts and you seem to do a "I am doing great so I know better tough guy routine" or maybe it is just the way you are. On this forum members are a bit more sensitive and less judgemental to eachothers experiences and help to navigate this grand experiment.

BTW welcome to the forum, use it for the great resource it is and share your experience. Do not forget we are all different coming from different backgrounds with totally different states of body/mind organism, because of this we can have completely different reactions and results while on the same protocols or making similar adjustments. It is not only about T.
I hear ya man. I was once sick, almost killed my marriage, felt weak, put too much thought into everything. Couldnt sleep, had ED, fear ruled everything. I decided to get on TRT with no AI, microdoses of HCG, and then things began to be on positive consistently. I noticed that once I stopped trying to micro manage TRT, everything became reliable and better than ever. So Im simply saying in my rude way that TRT is not as complicated as people make it out to be. Want confidence? Epic erections that get you compliments? Good sleep? Energy? Dont micromanage it. Take your dose, and let it ride. Good vibes, and I hope you find the road to recovery. Thanks for welcoming me here!
The hoopla is people fear Estrogen spikes. Which is why we went into a tangent. Im with you on taking HCG and enjoying the benefits.
FYI: I am on this path now for 9 months and feel great from the first only T Cyp SQ ED 15mg injection. Never had sleep, ED or libido issues (even made 2 kids) while I was suffering from a serious depression until the level of being continually suicidal, I could not generate enough energy to get me out of an emotional rollercoaster, until I took control of my hormones on a daily basis by injecting Tcyp. Over time a T only protocol comes with its own set of upstream hormonal problems, so adjustments need to be made. Even with all the adjustments I make, I never feel like I did before TRT. Every night I go to sleep looking forward to my next morning injection as it got me out and keeps us out of a 5 year hell hole I got myself and my family in. I am 50 years old and (almost) bigger, stronger, leaner, faster and more astute then when I was 30.

We are all different and we all got different motivations for taking control of our hormonal state.

So there you go some context.....lol
The hoopla is people fear Estrogen spikes. Which is why we went into a tangent. Im with you on taking HCG and enjoying the benefits.
A, I do not fear E2 whatsoever, maybe low E2 I do a little..lol....I never used an AI. I only talk about what my experiences are and until now as I wrote, my body comes back into homeostasis after 2-3 days of heightened E2. After all the HCG dosages and injection routines I tried (long enough to observe their effects on the body/mind organism), adding 150IU HCG to my ED injection of T is for this body the most effective without any unwanted sides.
Dude- I’m 59, out of shape and been smoking since I’ve been 12 yr old, and drink way too much. My numbers are great!, but they will never correct issues I’ve had in life, and we have all had them. T will never fix that.
I do not know if this is directed at me in the thread but starting injecting Tcyp ED has really turned my life and that of my family totally around. Before TRT I really wanted to die, even thought of killing my family, now we are living the life again and thriving. I do admit that I did fix everything I could before I started injecting T, I only could not break out of this emotional jojo effect naturally. Feeling like coming out of the hole and then fall deeper again.
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@Westin, you can tolerate alcohol on TRT? I was never a big drinker but loved a good single malt now and then, but I stopped drinking completely as beer made me depressed already before I got stuck in a depression.
I tried a small scotch last November after 3 years without when I was in the UK but it almost made me kill someone on the bus....lol
I really did not know what was happening to me....very weird.
TRT is to correct hormone issues. Pychological issues does not play into this discussion. Everyone may have some issues, but nobody here can help with that. We are not professionals.
TRT is to correct hormone issues. Pychological issues does not play into this discussion. Everyone may have some issues, but nobody here can help with that. We are not professionals.
Interrestingly in your now deleted post you mentioned not wanting to loose your woody. After 9 months reading posts on this forum on ED and Libido and how for most seeking relieve in these symptoms T and other hormonal adjustment most of the time do not work. In my case it does not matter how I was before TRT or how I change my protocol but when I see or think of my wife I get a seriously Rock Hard Johnson. Not mentioning my night/morning wood which wake me up.
The magic libido stays elusive for many trying to relieve it with hormones besides auccilary medications (band-aides)specifically designed for ED.

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