Active Member
I wanted to crowdsource some thoughts on erection issues I'm having.
- I am 33 years old, generally healthy
- Started TRT at age 28 - after symptoms, discovered a pituitary tumor and T levels in the 100s. Ruled out primary hypogonadism.
- TRT has done wonders for my physical appearance and state of mind, but has not helped much with sexual issues
- Primary complaints are low libido & erectile dysfunction (inability to get/sustain an erection or it's too soft for penetration)
- PDE5is are not very effective
- PT-141 is the most reliable in giving a firm erection, but I hate the GI side effects
- I am low SHBG
- Should I be having nocturnal/morning erections? I don't. If so, what should I focus on first?
- If PT-141 works, but PDE5is don't, what does that indicate as a source of the dysfunction?
- Could E2 be a factor here? Or thyroid?
- T - 749 (300-1080) - 22mg T ED
- FT - 245 (47-244)
- SHBG - 16 (16.5-55.9)
- E2 - 24.8 (10-42) - 0.1mg anastrozole EOD
- FT3 - 3.6 (2.2 - 4.2) - on 60mcg Armour ED - these labs were taken prior to my daily dose
- FT4 - 0.85 (0.80-1.90)
- TSH - 1.83 (0.40-4.1)
- Prolactin - 10 (4-26)