Recent content by Gunner@1911

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  1. G

    Discouraged with TRT

    Dr. Matt, Thank you for the reply. I dont think I will ever get to the point of wanting to go that far in my treatment options. I'm sure the cost would be prohibitive for me and honestly getting injections directly in my penis does not sound like anything I'd be interested in. Thank for...
  2. G

    Discouraged with TRT

    I have taken a break from the Tadalafil for a week. After that week I started 750mg L_Citrulline twice a day. I have noticed a marked reduction in my BP which is good because it puts me solidly in the normal range instead of close to pre-hypertension. I have seen absolutely ZERO impact on my ED...
  3. G

    Discouraged with TRT

    Joseywales95, Thank you for the response. I like you wish I could have my cake and eat it too. I am so close to just dumping everything and seeing what my body tells me. My test score was 267 before starting down this whole road. I have stopped taking tadalafil for a week to clear it out and...
  4. G

    Discouraged with TRT

    I usually eat red meat at least two times a day. I eat mostly venison verses beef though. Im a deer hunter and have plenty of it so dont buy a lot of beef. I will be beginning self administered sub Q here shortly as Im loosing my current doc to retirement. I figure once I start the self...
  5. G

    Discouraged with TRT

    Buckeye22, Thank you for the response. My libido has been thru the roof. I have been on daily 5mg Tadalafil for the last 120 days or so. I currently have taken a break from it to try the L-Citrulline starting Monday. I stopped Tadalafil this previous Monday to clear it out to get the best...
  6. G

    Discouraged with TRT

    Im still here but suffering from the same issues. While I can appreciate a few wanting to have a little fun and make things lighthearted it doesnt do anything to help my issues. Suffering from ED I have no worries of getting to the Uterus, Cervix or Vagina for that matter! Im not mad at the...
  7. G

    Discouraged with TRT

    Mastadont, Thank you for the reply. Can you provide me any information on this? I havent been able to find anything on the PDE5 inhibitors causing reduced sensation. Thank you.
  8. G

    Discouraged with TRT

    KenAdams, Thank you for the response. The more I dig into this it doesnt appear to be as uncommon at all. I take a daily dose of Tadalafil(Generic Cialis). I do not think that is where the loss of sensitivity is coming from, in fact I think it has helped more than the TRT. I have the same...
  9. G

    Discouraged with TRT

    Guided by voices, Thank you for the response. Currently I am taking Vit C supplements along with Garlic and have been for many years. I take 2000mg/day of the C and I would have to check what the Garlic is as I dont remember off the top of my head. Next Monday I will be starting L_Cirtulline...
  10. G

    Discouraged with TRT

    Melody68, Thank you for the response! I have not given up just yet. Since I will be beginning Sub Q injections I will have the ability to adjust the frequency and dose on my own. Im going to continue for the time being at 100mg/week but as suggested Im going to spread it out over a few days...
  11. G

    Discouraged with TRT

    As sad as it is to say I have thought about the other woman thing but I really do have a wonderful GF of 13 years and she has been very understanding thru this whole endeavor, so the other woman thing isnt an option. Yea I have thought about the exact same thing thinking my pre TRT levels and...
  12. G

    Discouraged with TRT

    Seagal, Until I can get hooked up with another doc getting an order for more bloodwork is going to be tough. I am currently on the search for a doc that will work with me. What I mean by Holistic is an all natural route as Im trying to get away from the synthetics. Ive been fortunate in my...
  13. G

    Discouraged with TRT

    Golfboy307, Thank you for the response. As soon as I start the sub Q injections I will try spreading them out thru the week. As of my last blood panel everything looked great and within normal limits. My BP runs normal to just slightly elevated (Pre-Hypertension) on the regular. My sugar...
  14. G

    Discouraged with TRT

    Seagal, When you say 100mg twice weekly do you mean 100mg per day(X2) or 50mg per day(X2) making the total for the week 100? None of my symptoms have resolved. Still have fatigue, slow muscle regeneration, shrinking testicles, obviously the loss of sensation and ED. I do not take any meds...
  15. G

    Discouraged with TRT

    Seagal, At the last labs my estridiol was 34 pg/mL. so it fell in the normal range.
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