KYZATREX (oral testosterone undecanoate) now available in all states across the US

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KYZATREX (testosterone undecanoate) is an oral testosterone replacement therapy specifically designed for adult males with conditions associated with a deficiency or absence of endogenous testosterone, such as primary hypogonadism and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism 1112. Here is detailed information regarding its dosage, usage, side effects, price, and efficacy:


KYZATREX is available in capsule form in three dosage strengths: 100 mg, 150 mg, and 200 mg. The recommended starting dose is 200 mg taken orally twice daily, once in the morning and once in the evening, with food to enhance absorption 2412. Dosage adjustments are made based on serum testosterone levels measured 3 to 5 hours after the morning dose, at least 7 days after starting treatment or following a dose adjustment 45.


KYZATREX capsules should be taken with food. The therapy is initiated only after confirming hypogonadism through appropriate tests that show serum testosterone concentrations below the normal range. It is important to monitor blood pressure regularly due to the risk of hypertension associated with its use 1012.

Side Effects​

Common side effects include increased blood pressure, which may necessitate the use of antihypertensive medications. Other potential side effects are acne, pain at the injection site, increased red blood cell count, and mood changes. Serious side effects may include major adverse cardiovascular events such as heart attacks and strokes11517.


The price of KYZATREX can vary depending on the pharmacy, insurance coverage, and dosage. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare provider or pharmacist for the most accurate pricing information.


KYZATREX has shown high efficacy in clinical trials, with up to 96% of patients achieving normal testosterone levels within 90 days of treatment. The therapy effectively manages symptoms associated with testosterone deficiency, such as fatigue, low libido, and muscle loss 367. The formulation is designed to be absorbed through the lymphatic system, reducing the risk of liver toxicity commonly associated with oral testosterone treatments 18.

Additional Considerations​

KYZATREX carries a boxed warning regarding the potential for blood pressure increases and the associated risk of cardiovascular events. It is classified as a Schedule III controlled substance due to potential for misuse and abuse 1017. It is not indicated for use in women, particularly those who are pregnant, and it is not approved for treating low testosterone due to aging19.In summary, KYZATREX offers a significant advancement in the treatment of male hypogonadism, providing a convenient oral formulation that avoids the complications of other testosterone delivery methods like injections and gels. However, careful monitoring for side effects, particularly hypertension, is crucial.

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Kyzatrex is not a 17-alpha-alkyl androgen and is not known to cause hepatic adverse effects.

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Kyzatrex, as an oral testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), offers a distinct approach compared to other TRT options like transdermal patches, intramuscular injections, subcutaneous pellets, and nasal gels. Here's a comparison based on various aspects:

Administration and Absorption​

Kyzatrex is a soft gel capsule that you take by mouth. It contains testosterone undecanoate that has been dissolved in a mix of lipids and other solubilizers so that it can be quickly absorbed by the bloodstream while you eat. This formulation allows systemic delivery of oral testosterone undecanoate via the intestinal lymphatic system, bypassing the liver completely, which is a significant advantage over traditional oral testosterone therapies that could cause liver toxicity 24. Other TRTs, such as transdermal patches, intramuscular injections, and nasal gels, have their own administration routes, which may not be as convenient for some patients and can cause application site reactions 2.


Clinical studies have shown that oral TRT, including Kyzatrex, is effective in maintaining serum testosterone levels within the normal range. Kyzatrex, in particular, has demonstrated a high efficacy rate, with up to 96% of patients achieving normal testosterone levels within 90 days of treatment. This is comparable to the efficacy rates of other TRT options3. However, some research indicates that TRT injections might be more effective at increasing muscle strength compared to oral testosterone3.

Side Effects​

Kyzatrex and other oral TRTs have been associated with increased blood pressure, which may lead to heart attack or stroke, among other adverse effects like increased red blood cell count 2. While injectable and transdermal TRTs also share some of these risks, the impact on blood pressure is a notable concern with oral testosterone undecanoate formulations 67. However, Kyzatrex has shown a lower risk of hypertension compared to other oral TRTs like Tlando and Jatenzo3.

Convenience and Patient Preference​

Patients typically prefer oral TRTs, such as Kyzatrex, as an easy method of administration over injections or topical applications, which can be uncomfortable or result in transference problems. 4. The need to take Kyzatrex with food for effective absorption might be a consideration for some patients 4.

Cost and Insurance Coverage​

The cost and insurance coverage for Kyzatrex compared to other TRTs can vary. While most insurance plans do not cover oral testosterone as a first-line treatment, there may be options to make oral medication more affordable for patients who cannot use other forms of TRT or have experienced side effects 4.
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If prescribed, your monthly treatment plan ($149) includes the following:

*a monthly supply of your FDA-approved oral testosterone prescription

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Andriol, which is oral testosterone undecanoate, has been available in Australia for a long time, more than a couple of decades. It was never very popular here. I tried it many years ago and did not feel very much from it at all unfortunately.
At $150/month, I don't expect many orders when there are way cheaper modalities.

Most definitely but keep in mind that there are men seeking out other options as they have no interest in using transdermal (gels/creams) let alone poking themselves with needles regardless of the cost.

If we are talking Big Pharma $150/month for Kyzatrex is a steal when compared to Tlando let alone Jatenzo LOL!

Even than as I have stated before most will always aim for injections not only because they are the cheapest/most effective route but more importantly everyone and their brother is aiming for those absurdly high trough TT/FT levels!

Stuck on that more T is better mentality LMFAO!

All bout dem gainz bruh!

F**K it if I am struggling with sides can here dem weights calling me.
Is there anything special about this formulation? Is it just Test Undecanoate? I surprised this isn't more widely available from compounding pharmacies and/or UGLs.
Most people that actually quality for TRT are getting it through their primary doctor and insurance for free. The ones that don't need TRT but want to "optimize" themselves are mostly getting injectable testosterone from sites for probably $30/month, and the blood tests through their doctors are covered by insurance.

So very few that know what they are doing are going to jump on the $150/month bandwagon, especially in that economy that is going to get worse.
How much daily fluctuation are we actually talking about with these, does the undecanoate just build up in the system and keep levels super stable? Did they release any PK charts for this or jatenzo?

It’s only a matter of time.
Maybe so, but they had panteston 40mg capsules, same as andriol, not anymore, it was pretty expensive as you had to swallow a lot of them. I wish they still had it, i would have liked to try low dose undecanoate injections combined with 40-80mg capsules twice daily.
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