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Just bought a Tee from them.

Looking for tees that work for someone with a physique and wants to show it off correctly is not easy.

Thanks brother!!!
I live in Houston where the heat can be unbearable in summer. That T shirt I showed you guys is almost like wearing nothing and I always get compliments on the fit. And even though the fabric is super thin, they last forever.

I have not bought any of their dressy shirts. Their shorts are so so (heavy fabric).
I buy a lot of T shirts from this site since it caters to muscular guys who have a hard time finding the right fit.

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I particularly love these T shirts since they are very light for summer and fit great:

Nice to see that you've been shopping Hotbodz! I've been buying stuff from them since they first started business back in the early 90's. Only place I could find tank tops that fit. I now have several pairs of shorts (the lace-up football style being my fav), two lace-up football tights, two hooded gym jackets and four pair of tanks that no longer fit! The quality and fit of their products can't be beat. Their sizing system is great because its done by body weight. Customer service is amazing. I've talked to them a few times and they'll bend over backwards to help you out and make things right. The burnout Tee you ordered has been on my list for over a year now. Last time I went to order it I canceled it out as the shipping charge was outrageous. Looking at the site now I see they've added USPS as a shipper and I can get this for only $7.50! I'm ready to order! I'm going to leave you guys with a recommendation. The best piece of clothing I own from them is the hooded gym jacket. The athletic cut is amazing. Narrow at the waist and super full in the chest, arms and shoulders. I could get big as a house and these would still fit well. And I'm not kidding when I say this next part: Slip one of these on when you're good and warmed up after a great workout and you'll look and feel like you've entered full beast mode! I have one of these in gold and one in black. I think my biggest end of life decision is going to be which color I want to be buried in! I've had both of these for 22 years now and after many washings they look and feel as good as they did when they were new. I have a feeling the style is being phased out as they're now only available in a denim color. Get one and I know you'll love it! You'll love ANYTHING you buy from Hotbodz!
Just received an order today. One dress shirt, the Super Test T, and the Acapulco Johnny Collar. They look awesome! Leaving for the Turks tomorrow with my new shirts! Thanks for the recommendation guys!
Man, I'm addicted to these shirts! I keep buying every time they send specials. The dress shirts are awesome as well. You don't find these on a rack in stores. I'm not a show off kind of guy, guys are asking me all the time where am I getting these shirts. Especially the dress shirts.
Nelson, thank you for the links. I understand the Houston heat. I have the same issue here in South Florida. These shorts are the bomb, made of hemp they are thin, breath, and last forever! I have like 5 pairs. The long pant version is nice as well for those evening where it's warm early but the temp drops. I can't post likes yet, so I'll message it to you... prAna Men's Sutra Short on amazon.
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