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I decided to come off testosterone after 7 years because I was always struggling with high estrogen. Defy Medical gave me enclomiphene to restart HPTA. I took enclo for almost two weeks and had had severely high estrogen. It's been 19 days and I'm suffering really bad. I can't sleep more than 3 hours, bp gets dangerously high and I'm anxious for most the day. I'm taking lots of Anastrozole and it works for a little like hours then I have to dose again. My estrogen isn't crashed. I've crashed estrogen many times on TRT and had high estrogen even more times than crashed. I get very specific symptoms with high estrogen. Balls sit high and tight, I get really warm, anxiety, high BP, nervous energy, overly horney, skin gets very smooth and oily, insomnia.

Low estrogen I also get anxiety but it's a miserable but I can sit still anxiety, I look old and whethered, no sexual function or desire, joints ache, I over sleep, always feel tired.

I have contacted Defy and they said go back on testosterone to shut down LH and FSH which should reverse tge effects of enclo. After doing this I had 5 days where it seemed to work then it came back again. My balls are huge even though I should be shut down. Idk lost here living In a nightmare. If anyone has experience with enclo I am dying to hear how long it continued to exert its effects?
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
I'm taking lots of Anastrozole and it works for a little like hours then I have to dose again.
You’re not dealing with high estrogen, you’re using anastrozole as a diuretic to treat fluid retention caused by testosterone action on the kidneys, which tells the kidneys to absorb more sodium and therefore water or fluid retention.

The fluid retention can increase blood pressure and even make you feel hot and sweaty.

Anastrozole lasts longer than a few hours, 2 day half-life, so it’s impossible that your problems could be related to high estrogen due to the fact that aromatase is continuing to be blocked for days.
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I'm sorry but I 1000% have high estrogen. I know Anastrozole has a 48 hour half life. Im no rookie. I was on trt for 7 years and struggled with high estrogen. I'm extremely familiar with the symptoms. Trust me it doesn't make sense but nonetheless it's happening. Anyway if you want to help me please tell me how long after stopping enclomiphene did it take for enclo to not continue to exert its effects?
Trust me it doesn't make sense but nonetheless it's happening.
I agree with you, it doesn’t make sense. That’s your first clue that something else is going on. I think your genetics doesn’t make for a positive TRT experience.

Clomid has a similar half-life to testosterone cypionate, at 5-6 days, so around 40 days.
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