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  1. R

    TRT - whats normal

    Was is your protocol? Already lifting weights 3-5 times per week. Not overweigh. Gaines a lot muscle on my frame last 8 weeks. I hope libido will return when estrogen and prolactin get lower.
  2. R

    TRT - whats normal

    You assumed a bunch there. I have had severe low T symptoms for years caused by testicular cancer. As mentioned, was prescribed Nebido and gel by an endocrinologist, but did not work for me. Too many high and lows with Nebido and ended up with lower T level with gel. Not looking for fountain...
  3. R

    TRT - whats normal

    Thanks. Will try :)
  4. R

    TRT - whats normal

    Thanks for the reply. I actually lowered the dose 100mg per week after the bloodwork, around the same time libido dropped. Will try to have patience and get bloodwork again in 7 weeks. 100mg or lower even?
  5. R

    TRT - whats normal

    Tried multiple protocols and high libido only lasts a couple of weeks. Tried Nebido, gel and test e. Nebido and gel did not work well in regards to all symptoms and doctors will not prescibe test e, so I did it myself. Started 125mg test e EW 9 weeks ago. Felt normal by day 3 and libido was...
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