Vince's Labs from 4/15/24

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My protocol, 16 mg of testosterone cypionate daily, 500 iu of hcg every third day and no AI.

Pregnenolone 10 mg and 10 mg of DHEA.

My last injection before labs, about 27 1/2 hrs.

Labs are from LabCorp.

I lowered my dhea from 25 mg to 10 mg daily, it may have lowered my E2. Used black cumin extract and ashwagandha for sleep, it may have lowered my dht, I did "not" get the Equilibrium Ultrafiltration for testing free testosterone. My shbg was higher.

Testosterone, Serum 1254 ng/dL range 264-916
Free Testosterone 19.9 ng/dL range 6.6 -18.1
DHT 44 ng/dL (no range on results)
DHEA-Sulfate 306.0 H ug/dL range 30.9-295.6 (age adjusted)
Estradiol, Sensitive 15.1.0 pg/mL range 8.0-35.0
Sex Horm Binding Glob, Serum 61.5 nmol/L range 19.3-76.4
Hematocrit 47.6 % range 37.5-51.0
Hemoglobin 16.1 g/dL range 13.0-17.7
Albumin 4.2 g/dL range 3.9 - 4.9

I'm still injecting shallow IM and Subq.
It's been over 7 years since I had to donate blood.
I'm having good workouts, sex and libido, no issues.

I'm having my consultation on May 11th. Thinking of injecting T every third day. It may help to lower my shbg?
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Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Hi Vince, I'm new here and have read many of your posts and always find them extremely informative and helpful. How important is HCG for sexual function (not libido, arousal) and where do you get yours? I live in CA and it seems to banned here.

Hi Vince, I'm new here and have read many of your posts and always find them extremely informative and helpful. How important is HCG for sexual function (not libido, arousal) and where do you get yours? I live in CA and it seems to banned here.

I like how it keeps my boys full.

My protocol, 16 mg of testosterone cypionate daily, 500 iu of hcg every third day and no AI.

Pregnenolone 10 mg and 10 mg of DHEA.

My last injection before labs, about 27 1/2 hrs.

Labs are from LabCorp.

I lowered my dhea from 25 mg to 10 mg daily, it may have lowered my E2. Used black cumin extract and ashwagandha for sleep, it may have lowered my dht, I did "not" get the Equilibrium Ultrafiltration for testing free testosterone. My shbg was higher.

Testosterone, Serum 1254 ng/dL range 264-916
Free Testosterone 19.9 ng/dL range 6.6 -18.1
DHT 44 ng/dL (no range on results)
DHEA-Sulfate 306.0 H ug/dL range 30.9-295.6 (age adjusted)
Estradiol, Sensitive 15.1.0 pg/mL range 8.0-35.0
Sex Horm Binding Glob, Serum 61.5 nmol/L range 19.3-76.4
Hematocrit 47.6 % range 37.5-51.0
Hemoglobin 16.1 g/dL range 13.0-17.7
Albumin 4.2 g/dL range 3.9 - 4.9

I'm still injecting shallow IM and Subq.
It's been over 7 years since I had to donate blood.
I'm having good workouts, sex and libido, no issues.

I'm having my consultation on May 11th. Thinking of injecting T every third day. It may help to lower my shbg?
Hey Vince…my protocol has bn 15mg of test daily subs…and all my numbers were great last August 2023
question on adding Nandrolone for joint health.
I tried Nandrolone for a period of 12 wks and felt great with less stiffness from arthritis. But at 12wk following lab…my hematocrit, cholesterol, and testosterone numbers were extremely elevated.
Have you are anyone tried nandrolone and had a similar experience?
Hey Vince…my protocol has bn 15mg of test daily subs…and all my numbers were great last August 2023
question on adding Nandrolone for joint health.
I tried Nandrolone for a period of 12 wks and felt great with less stiffness from arthritis. But at 12wk following lab…my hematocrit, cholesterol, and testosterone numbers were extremely elevated.
Have you are anyone tried nandrolone and had a similar experience?

Can you post those labs while on nandrolone? Preferably both ur before adding nandorlone labs, as well as ur labs while on nandrolone. Also, what was ur protocol when u had the nandrolone in there?

Ur testosterone levels only went up because u had the non sensitive total testosterone panel done. It picks up the nandrolone as if it’s test. So ur test levels weren’t actually elevated. So the whole elevated test levels thing u can just dismiss all together

Nandrolone can raise HCT levels. But adding in more of any androgen/ AAS will pretty much do the same, including simply upping ur test dosage

And raised cholesterol is a pretty vague statement. I assume it raised ur LDL?
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Hey Vince…my protocol has bn 15mg of test daily subs…and all my numbers were great last August 2023
question on adding Nandrolone for joint health.
I tried Nandrolone for a period of 12 wks and felt great with less stiffness from arthritis. But at 12wk following lab…my hematocrit, cholesterol, and testosterone numbers were extremely elevated.
Have you are anyone tried nandrolone and had a similar experience?
I had a similar experience with nandrolone. Higher HCT, worse cholesterol particle numbers and testosterone levels were extremely high. Even though I felt great nandrolone, I stopped taking it because I was concerned of my heart health.

I did get night sweats. First time ever.
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