Recent content by Wolverine

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  1. W

    Fish oil supplements linked to greater first-time heart attack risk in study: ‘Not universally good or bad'

    Interesting. So should we not take fish oil?? I take it everyday, and my recent cholesterol numbers looked good.
  2. W

    Trt too high?

    What is your Free T level on the 60mg to 70mg per week protocol? Are you using T Cyp? Do you inject subq? What size needle do you use? Does the HCG affect your Free T level? What is your HCG protocol? What is your SHBG level? Sorry for all the questions. Im still trying to get dialed in...
  3. W

    Giving Testosterone in Cottonseed oil a try?

    Ive done cottonseed oil and grape seed. No difference for me, but grape seed oil less viscosity, so easier to inject. Usually cottonseed oil is name brand.
  4. W

    Wife has hard time reaching orgasm

    Thanks! Does she apply it on her inner arms?
  5. W

    Wife has hard time reaching orgasm

    Can you tell us the strength of the T cream and where she applies it? My wife is currently trying pellets (against my advice) and its not doing anything for her. She just got labs back and her t is on the lower end of range and her E and P are low. Thanks!
  6. W

    TMAO finally conquered

    Is this stating that we shouldn't supplement Carnitine or Choline orally? Tx
  7. W

    Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

    Is the Lozenge Neo40?
  8. W

    Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

    What nutritional supplements do you recommend? Tx
  9. W

    Trans scrotal testosterone cream application is a game changer

    Thanks! The bacteriostatic water that I use for my HCG has .9% benzyl alcohol in it. I read the MSDS sheet on chlorobutanol and its not great either (toxic to the liver). Im sure that this is in quantities much greater than that used by Hikma. I think the only way to avoid these things is to...
  10. W

    Trans scrotal testosterone cream application is a game changer

    Thanks! Do you know if all generic enanthate is void of benzyl benzoate and benzyl alcohol? Is the Empower's compounded enanthate void of benzyl benzoate and benzyl alcohol? I am also a patient of Defy and am requesting a switch from t cyp to t enanthate. It looks cheaper to have them call...
  11. W

    TRT used as birth control?

    Thanks! I have a love/hate relationship with HCG. The only reason I take it is for bigger balls and more fluid, but I feel bloated, too sensitive, low libido. When I dont take it better EQ, but shrinkage with flaccid hang and balls. Im going to go off it for while and if I get back on, Im...
  12. W

    TRT used as birth control?

    What HCG side effects do you get? Thanks.
  13. W

    How many Excelmale members use HCG.

    Same protocol here, and also inject my T cyp E3D.
  14. W

    Do I have T3 pooling?

    Thanks! What is your diet? Macros?
  15. W

    Pregnenolone levels staying low despite supplementation -blood work incuded; Please Help

    I and others have found that immediate release pregnenolone, such as Pure (which is the brand that I have taken), will increase progesterone, and not pregnenolone. You need to take lipid matrix formulas, such as Nelson took, to raise pregnenolone levels. Funny though that lipid matrix (which I...
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