Recent content by Gman86

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  1. G

    Testosterone Propionate

    They never make me check LH, but IGF-1 is mandatory, as far as what labs are needed for their mandatory 6 month follow up consults. They’ve never pushed anything growth hormone related on me personally.
  2. G

    Testosterone Propionate

    Any time man. Defy is awesome. Been with them forever now, and won’t ever go anywhere else, unless they for some reason close and I have no choice lol But goodluck with the prop if u end up trying it. I definitely think shorter ester preparations of test are the way to go, on HRT, if u can make...
  3. G

    Vince's Labs from 4/15/24

    What’s ur SHBG and E2 levels again Vince?
  4. G

    Testosterone Propionate

    I’m with Defy
  5. G

    Permanent crash of estrogen?

    Hahah, thanks for the kind words brotha, much appreciated. I definitely enjoy spreading all the knowledge that I have, in order to help others, but I enjoy learning way more. And if u ask anyone that knows me in real life, they’ll probably tell u I’m the most curious person that they’ve ever...
  6. G

    Testosterone Propionate

    I can’t comment on this personally, since I’m on a super low dose, and most of my androgens are coming from nandrolone, but check this vid out if u haven’t seen it already. His libido is apparently through the roof on prop. From my understanding, prop also inhibits the HPTA less, which could...
  7. G

    Permanent crash of estrogen?

    Super glad to hear all this! So in ur opinion, what do u think is the mechanisms of action going on here that are fixing ur issues? Obv the finasteride is blocking ur 5-alpha reductase enzyme, and reducing the conversion of ur testosterone into dht, amongst other conversions that the 5-alpha...
  8. G

    Testosterone Propionate

    I’m taking it currently, but only at a very low dose of 10mg/ week with my nandrolone base I have taken their prop in the past while on a test based protocol, and it did what it was supposed to. Numbers looked good, for the dosage I was on If ur looking to give prop a go, I would say going...
  9. G

    Xyosted and Rosuvastin

    I have a bunch of stuff I could link, showing that LDL has a bunch of benefits, and lowering it is going to cause a host of problems within the body, and that LDL, and cholesterol in general, aren’t the causes of any form of cardiovascular disease, but here’s a few to check out that are really...
  10. G

    Xyosted and Rosuvastin

    Have u had ur CALC score retested since being on the rosuvastatin?
  11. G

    Fish oil supplements linked to greater first-time heart attack risk in study: ‘Not universally good or bad'

    From my understanding, most fish oil supplements contain fish oil that has oxidized, and become rancid, by the time it gets to consumers. So that’s one reason that it’s probably not a good idea to consume most fish oil on the market Another reason to not consume fish oil is due to PUFA’s...
  12. G

    Discouraged with TRT

    Holy sh*t, those are some stories/ anecdotes right there! Lol. I’m all about using natural methods to heal the body/ keep it optimal, so I’m definitely gonna take these anecdotes into consideration going forward for sure! If being in the healthcare field for almost 20 years, and a nurse for 12...
  13. G

    Discouraged with TRT

    I’m absolutely sold. Will definitely be grabbing fresh garlic next time I go shopping! Also, do u ever get comments that u smell like garlic? Lol. Just read a Reddit thread and the guy said he’s noticed amazing benefits from eating 2-3 pieces of garlic per day, but people around him are...
  14. G

    Discouraged with TRT

    Hahah love it! Oh so u guys just ended up doing that as a regular thing, sick or not? I thought u meant u continued to do it indefinitely, but only when sick. I actually had chronic bronchitis as a kid, and I can feel that it has definitely permanently affected my lungs. There’s few people out...
  15. G

    Discouraged with TRT

    So how many cloves of garlic would u chop up into the mashed potatoes, and how many days in a row would u do it for?
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